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Opinions of Friday, 23 March 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Ghana goes Biometric Voter Registration on Saturday 25, 2012

Many are Ghanaians clamouring for a change in direction of the nation's political affairs or landscape. Any envisaged change, for better or for worse, can only come about through the power of the thump. The power of the thump can also only come about when one exercises their voting franchise. You can vote, only and only when, you register biometrically according as introduced by the Electoral Commission. Without registering on the voters register, all your dreams, screams and radio phone-ins defending or offending a political figure or party will be all "much ado about nothing"

"Action speaks louder than words", so a time-tested adage goes. Try to get yourself, friends, families and neighbours to register. I am more concerned about getting your names on the voters register today. It is first thing first basis, the way I see things. After this exercise, we shall then talk about voting.

There are criminals out there said to have gone to the strongholds of the NPP in the Ashanti region to deceive the villagers. They have been telling them not to register as the biometric machines have the potential to cause cancer in them. It is lies told to assist the NDC win the impending December 2012 elections. That idea of warding people off registering, to boost the chances of the doomsayers' party to winning the election is today borne out of fear of losing the election. Fear begets desperation. Desperation also begets acts of criminality. Anyone operating with the intention of depriving others the voting power stands accused and accursed. Such persons do so in attempt to enhance the course of their party, or candidate.

Now is not the moment for dwelling in the comfort zone of your lounge phoning in to radio stations to discuss or lambast particular political figures. It is the time to get out of your room to encourage people to register. The duration of registering at each polling station is a mere ten-day period. So the earlier you get more people to register, much the better.

I understand the NDC out of desperation are arranging to get as many people, regardless of their nationality, to first register on the NHIS, get a card, then use the cards as proof of identity to register biometrically. Mysteriously, they have selected a few centres in three or four regions. Thirteen centres in the Volta region, three in Ashanti, and three in Accra etc. The centres are almost all within the Constituencies where the NDC are strongest. Anyway, Ghana stands to lose in the near future should the allegation of rushing in hundreds of thousands of people to register on the NHIS without first checking their nationality. The African dictator-inhered politicians do not give a hoot about the consequences of their actions provided they can win elections today to live a much better life than the electorates.

Biometric registration all the way!

Rockson Adoro