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Opinions of Monday, 3 January 2022

Columnist: Joel Savage

Ghana has never had a female president, why?

In Ghana, women have much less access to resources than men In Ghana, women have much less access to resources than men

In many developing and developed countries, female leaders have proved that whatever a man can do, women can also do and even better.

Britain, Croatia, Lithuania, Bangladesh, New Zealand, Liberia, Pakistan, India, etc, have had female leaders but why not Ghana?

In the world’s political history, the first woman Prime Minister was Sirimavo Bandaranaike of Sri Lanka, her role improved the lives of the people.

Even though the status of women is changing globally, and in Ghana, the roles of women in Ghanaian society have changed over the past few decades, the country is yet to have its first female president.

History records both old and modern female political leaders such as the former British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, German Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel, and British Prime Minister Theresa May, who have had good political careers and whose activities impacted their countries.

Apart from that, women continue to hold various high positions in society, being granted equal rights, equality in women's education and employment. However, in many countries, women are denied such rights and opportunities.

For example, in Ghana, women have much less access to resources than men, while many of them in rural and urban areas face slightly different challenges.

In recent years, the number of multiple forms of violence against women continues to exist in Ghana.

Although the 1992 Constitution of Ghana guarantees women the right to participate in political life, Ghana is yet to have its first female president.

Who knows if the country can be ruled better if an experienced educated political woman is given such an opportunity?

In 2012, 19 women won seats in Parliament, while 246 men won the remaining seats, while in 2017, the number of women elected to Parliament increased, with 37 women being elected. However, Ghanaian women still make up only 13.5% of Parliament.

If Ghanaians feel men leaders have disappointed them, they should try a qualified woman to lead the country and see how things will be economically and politically turned around.