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Opinions of Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Ghana is Setting the Pace in Africa

to End Election Rigging by Incumbent Presidents

The Almighty God is ashamed of the behaviour of African leaders. They are shamelessly inhered to rig elections to cover up their obnoxious propensity to perpetuate official corruption. God, I hope, is saying, enough is enough with the deplorable attitudes by these mostly "good for nothing" African leaders. Subsequently, He is using Ghana as an example to the whole of Africa to end electoral malpractices and fraud always carried out by sitting or incumbent presidents or leaders.

The 7 & 8 December 2012 elections in Ghana were alleged to have been rigged in favour of the incumbent NDC party especially, their presidential candidate, John Dramani Mahama. Truly, there were clear instances of abuses of incumbency by the party and her presidential candidate. They used State money to sponsor their doomed political campaign as though, the money belonged to them and their party alone. Upon all the meaningless or demeaning election slogans and advertisements mounted to woo the electorates, they ended up colluding with the Electoral Commission to rig the elections.

As God is fed up with the shame His dark-skinned creatures are always bringing upon Him, He has decided to use Ghana to end the nonsense that has become part and parcel of the incompetent, short-sighted mediocre African leaders of whom President Mahama of Ghana is a champion.

Then caretaker-President Mahama supervised the use of State money to mount senseless daily and non-stop audiovisual advertisements against Nana Akuffo-Addo's flagship policy of Free Senior High School education. He used State money to purchase 4x4 cars to give to female University students belonging in NDC, and to some traditional chiefs. He used State money to buy laptops to give to NDC supporters in the Universities and colleges. He used State money to purchase voter cards from NPP supporters at the cost of GHC500 per card. He disbursed money to people in attempts to influence how they cast their votes. In fact, he depleted the State coffers.

Barely had he been sworn in as the President of Ghana albeit, fraudulence and rigging, when he started augmenting in percentage folds the prices of petroleum products and utility bills. This quick-fix action by the President was to raise enough funds within the shortest possible time to run the government and to be able to pay workers in the Civil service. Without this measure, he would not have money to do anything because he has supervised the wastage of the State's money as indicated above.

Now, with the facts available in the public domain, coupled with attempts by the NDC and Afari-Gyan to destroy evidence through thefts and unintelligent explanations, God is truly on course to rid Ghana of electoral corruption for good. He will empower the nation through the Supreme Court to throw out a sitting President for having rigged an election in his favour. Once this is done, it will become a precedent in Africa and also serve as a warning to all future African leaders who may aspire to rig election to stay in power in the vain hope of masking their committed acts of corruption.

When he is thrown out, it will serve a lesson to African leaders. They will no longer steal as they stand to be held accountable any day any time. It will instil the sense of fear and discipline in them They will then concentrate on building their nations for the betterment of all but not insatiably selfishly concentrating on acquiring wealth for themselves as they are currently noted for.

When God gives His word, it is always final. Many devil incarnates always try to challenge Him as their father the Devil did, however, they fail in the end.

The stench of corruption in perpetration and perpetuation by the NDC as presided over by John Mahama has reached the Higher Firmaments to the annoyance of God, hence, the absolute need and His readiness to get rid of him. God wants justice for Ghanaians, then peace and tranquillity.

Will any Ghanaian leader rig elections again with all that is unfolding? I hope not, unless the person is the biggest fool on earth.

It serves the NDC, Dr. Afari-Gyan and John Mahama right. Next time they will look before they leap. They cannot continually take Ghanaians for fools and get away with it.

Those who have no business doing for the good of Ghana should not be passing silly comments on intelligent forward-moving views and solutions expressed by some columnists. Instead of encouraging them or criticising them constructively, some choose to rather criticize destructively without offering alternative views or solutions.

We, columnists, have skins insulated against insults or else, we would not be able to continue to write or publish articles on our views.

Rockson Adofo