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Opinions of Thursday, 3 June 2004

Columnist: Aidoo, Prince Junior

Ghana is now visionless

Fellow countrymen,
I know that the more I talk the more many would like to see me crucified, and yet the lips of this new African in who?s name I speak will never get shut, even if the dead hate to hear him speak. Yes, an out spoken ?Truth? is what many hate to hear. It is like a fire burning in someone?s heart but refusing to vomit it out for him to be free. It is said that it is not what one gets inside ones stomach that defiles one, but what comes out from ones mouth . How can a nation full of people with iniquity in their stomachs think of voicing out that there is in-fact fire burning in their heart?. Should he say this to defile himself or to say the truth to be free?

Fellow countrymen today we hear that
?The people are suffering?

One could perhaps ask who are those people suffering and why are they suffering? Is it because the people don?t have money to buy what they need? Don?t they have lands to cultivate their farms? Don?t they have mineral resources for exchanging for other essential commodities? Don?t they have highly qualified intellectuals at their disposal in technology?. Don?t they have politicians to advise them on how to feed themselves?. Don?t they have so-called religious leaders to teach them how to create and feed themselves?. Yes someone with a clear mind out there will undoubtedly ask these questions proving a cry very difficult for the people to resist. Why despite all these, Ghanaians are said to be suffering?

Mr Dan Lartey, the Presidential Candidate of the Great Consolidated Popular Party (GCPP) Speaking on an Accra based radio station on Thursday, said the NPP has failed woefully and it must be shown the exit by December.

Fellow countrymen, please someone out there should ask him if it is the NPP, UP, PNC, PNP, GCPP, PNDC or NDC who has failed the people or it is the people who have failed themselves?

He said: ?The people are suffering and we have a responsibility to them and the nation to ensure that there is a change of Government,?. Mr Lartey said the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has a lot of Nkrumaists in its ranks and ?it should be possible for all of us to come together.? When asked why he campaigned for President Kufuor in the second round of the 2000 presidential election, he said ?It is your fault.? ?I did not know Mr Kufuor. It was you who came to me and said he is a good man and we should work with him. ?I listened to you and now you see where you have brought us?? he asked.

Fellow countrymen, you see that the fire of ?Truth? was burning in Mr Dan Lartey?s heart for decades likewise other disgruntle leaders but they refused to vomit it out. Today and out of their own mouth they are now confessing how blind, wicked and na?ve they politicians were by misleading us to vote for someone to be a president of a nation, without finding out who he was. Are they now telling Ghanaians how foolish and naive we were for promoting a leader we don?t even know?. It is said: ?The evil that men do lives after them?. Oh God have mercy on Ghanaians.

Mr Dan Lartey said: ?No matter what has happened in the past, we cannot ignore the clarion call for Nkrumaist unity".

One should ask them, what they can do better if the same blind and harmless Ghanaians vote for them?. What ideas do they have apart from bite-biting themselves?. They are just empty leaders. They have nothing to render to the people. They are all liars. Do they know the damage they have done to Ghanaians?. Oh no, do these wicked politicians now know Kwame Nkrumah?. Are they now confessing the evil deeds of our former leaders who helped in destroying the vision of our nation initiated by this son of Africa, or they are now hailing him because of their failure at long-last?.

Fellow countrymen our disgruntled leaders have now spoken the language of our people by saying ?Our lands are fertile and we have the brains. There is no reason why we should go hungry in Ghana,?. So with all the brains, and our mineral resources at our disposal why are we suffering?. The testimony of Dan Lartey shows that Ghana is now visionless. Ghana is now being led by false politicians. They are now toying with our destiny. They have destroyed our vision because of hatred, greediness, selfishness, nepotism, triabalisim, hypocrisy, lies and through corruption. They have lost the vision of the nation.

They themselves have no idea whatsoever how to create any vision for Ghanaians to follow. They are useless and have no ?Agenda?. If they claim to have, the new African will throw them a challenge to prove this to the people or be held accountable for deceiving the nation. Do we have to blame President Kufuor alone for the woes of this nation?. Who do we have to blame fellow countrymen?. Do we have to exempt ourselves from engaging in: ?Hatred, greediness, selfishness, nepotism, triabalisim, hypocrisy, stealing, corruption and telling lies to our fellow countrymen?.

Now even Pastors are telling us lies, Malams are telling us lies, politicians are telling us lies, fetish priests are also killing us with lies. Who else is telling us the ?Truth??. Fellow countrymen, with all such characters, what do we expect our nation to be?. Are we expecting or rivers to produce milk and honey?.

It is about time for the sleeping Ghanaians to wake up and hold every disloyal politician accountable for creating the woes of our country. We should as well be responsible for our immoral attitude which is the greatest iniquity that prevents us from holding other criminals accountable because we are also full of corruption and wicked minds.

Fellow countrymen, our nation is in a worse shape, our sailing ship is about to sink and we should pray that God forgives us our transgressions and help us raise a leader without blemish to lead our nation once more. Thank you for listening. God bless you.

Prince Aidoo Junior
Ghana Social Democratic Movement

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