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Opinions of Sunday, 24 May 2015

Columnist: Frimpong, Joseph

Ghana my country -- Land of dumsor and acid.

I have two saviours ; one is drenching the country in darkness, the other is pouring acid on its people -- so who do I run to? Ghanaian politics is so sweet? Ask me why? Because the two political parties who have the propensity to win power are problems in themselves and so the ordinary man looks on and sees not help but despair.

It is no secret that Mahama's administration has been synonymous with corruption and unbridled rudeness and extravagance. It is also no secret that Nana Addo is a likely president of this country but what do we see? Nana Addo and his NPP are giving Mahama a smile for his maladministration by giving him power away on a silver platter. I am by no way saying that NPP is an embodiment of holiness but Mahama's administration to be truthful is one that sings of hopelessness.

NPP as a party has been lucky, it is always lucky but as usual gives their luck away for misfortune. In 2012, you remember Woyome and the various dubious judgement paid, you remember the death of Professor Mills' and obscurity surrounding his death? This was just a giveaway for NPP to win the elections but what did they say? H.E.Mahama has rigged the elections (translation: We couldn't steal more than Mahama).

In the run to 2016, their (NPP) luck has so shined again by dumsor, various demonstrations and free fall of the Ghana Cedis and NPP sits down like a beauty queen committing the same but serious offence it did in 2012 -- in 2012 they used words but now they are using acid. Only God knows what they will use in 2020. It therefore stands to suggest that NPP is like the legend of the Phoenix; its end is always with its beginning. NPP cherishes being called "The biggest opposition party in Ghana". This phrase to me is an invitation to failure in every subsequent elections in Ghana for the NPP. Until NPP realizes that it is not the only political party in Ghana and that their perpetual internal bantam weight is a problem then the legend of the phoenix will be recited yet again.

NDC is no humanitarian, it will never and will not dash out power just like that and will do whatever it takes to win 2016 even if they have to sell Ghana. They have done it before and will continue doing it. Its so unfortunate that Alhaji Mahama had to lose his life but it is equally unfortunate that I have to end here and save my battery because dumsor is still not over.

Twitter: jyfrimpong