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Opinions of Monday, 22 December 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Ghana’s Fate is Currently Decided by Only Two Most Powerful Persons – Who are They?

Who do you think, my Dear Readers, are the two most powerful persons in Ghana who have been deciding the fate of Mother Ghana and her children since the latter part of year 2012 until today? Just mention two names to yourself or imagine two people you think they possibly are, before reading further down to cross-check with the names I shall shortly be mentioning or revealing.

To cue you in, rule out Supreme Court Justice William Atuguba and Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, the General Secretary of NDC. These two individuals, mischievously powerful as they might have seemed at a point in time, are not those who determine the direction of Ghana, unlike the two names I am yet to mention.

Prior to Election 2012, an obstinate septuagenarian rose up in the Ghanaian body politics. He would not listen to anyone, irrespective of the honesty of the advice so given, or the cogency of the argument raised, once he perceived such moves to be contrary to his parochially- determined views.

He created numerous new Districts and Constituencies. Many discerning Ghanaians were averse to such new creations, viewed as thunderbolts emerging out of the blue. The move was not time-friendly. Tried as they did to let this arrogant, dubious and corrupt individual see reason, as later events proved him to be, he refused, but proceeded with his own intentions. Having carried out his plans, he finally saw himself dragged into a witness box in court. He could clearly be seen on live telecast trying to pervert the course of justice. At a point, he was finding it very difficult defining "over vote" and "biometric verification" even though, he had before months and weeks to the Election Day, not only stated, but agreed on, a unanimous cross-party definition on those two terms.

Once again, in 2014, this same person is refusing to carry out electoral reforms in line with Supreme Court's direction following the doubtful presidential Election 2012 results that culminated in petition filed in the Supreme Court seeking the annulment and honest determination of the election results. Whatever he says goes. This shows how powerful this stubborn individual is. He is the person of, Dr Kwadwo Afari Gyan, the Chairman of the Electoral Commission.

The other person is he who has declared in public that he has developed tough skin in his public life. He says, "I don't care whatever anyone says about me. I can do whatever I like in Ghana without any law or any person able to stop me from doing whatever I choose to do". He is the one alleged to have financially induced some Supreme Court judges appointed to adjudicate on Election 2012 petition filed by Nana Akufo Addo, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia and Jake Otanka Obetsebi-Lamptey. He is the same person who ordered Kumawu kingmakers to flout a pending court injunction to enthrone a person of his collusive choice as Kumawuhene.

He completely disregarded applicable national and international laws on "bribery, corruption and extortion", to impose a party clearly found on video evidence to have deeply involved themselves in such malpractices, on Kumawuman, as their paramount chief or paramount royal family. Further to that, he has rewritten Kumawuman history to suit his capricious, thieving and bullying agenda. He is also the same person who is directly working against the general interests of his very suffering Ashanti subjects, cynically tangoing with President Mahama to Daddy Lumba's hit song, "Yen ntie obiara".

To familiarise yourself with the laws in place that he has disregarded, as powerful as he is, cowardly supported by the nation's corrupt judges who are at his beck and call, prostrating to him, please refer to my publication on Ghanaweb (07/12/2014), Modernghana (06/12/2014) and Spyghana, titled, "RE: Asantehene is the Overlord of Asanteman". Then proceed to view the video evidence on YouTube under the heading, "Asantehene involves in corruption". Who then is this second most powerful individual in Ghana, one may ask? He is nobody, other than Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II.

He is able to appoint the President of Ghana and the chief of Kumawu; however dubiously or tyrannically he goes about it, with the entire processes shrouded in absolute illegalities. The above two mentioned individuals are with undisputable powers to make things happen or break. Nonetheless, I shall not succumb to their roguish powers, so do I admonish you, my readers and fans, to not surrender to them or be enticed by their evil spells and misdeeds.

Resist the devil and his ways, and he shall flee!

How do we rein in these two false most powerful individuals who are actually taking Ghanaians, except their supporters and fellow like-minded bullies, for a rough ride? There is a solution to every problem no matter how unique the problem presents itself. Let us keep on finding the solution and it will shortly be within reach.

Merry Christmas to you all. I know most of us will be facing a difficult time this Christmas, without means to feed our families a decent Christmas meal, let alone, purchasing our dear ones gifts. While majority of Ghanaians are suffering from total poverty and neglect, a few are those enjoying the wealth of Ghana due to the actions of these two named individuals, the "Yen ntie obiara" people of Ghana today.

Rockson Adofo