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Opinions of Tuesday, 31 May 2005

Columnist: Brobbey, Michael

Ghana?s Political Landscape

The Ghanaian political arena has been held and controlled by big-mouthed power brokers since independence. The first Ghanaian government continued the despotism leadership style bequeathed by the vampire colonialist. In the said administration, the unaccountable head is worshiped, rather than the head serving the people. It bred the leaders and managers that have robbed and exploited Ghanaians front and back, whiles failing to account to the people or improve their lot.

Thus the Convention Peoples Party irrespective of its pluses left Ghanaians with greed and myopic leaders and mangers. Is it surprising that many in the current breed of leaders and managers are descendants of the early leaders and managers who capitalized on the system? I stand for correction but the present and the past are ample examples of the breed of people who have headed various governmental and institutional positions.

It is very unfortunate that the poor performance of the present government makes the National Democratic Congress appear as angels. But we cannot forget so quickly the quagmire they put Ghanaians in, during the twenty years tyranny rule. It will be suicidal to put the NDC in power again. Then the second error will be more lethal than the first.

The elitist New Patriotic Party exploited Ghanaians discontent with the former government to add salt to injury, proving that indeed the pen is mightier than the sword in robbery. With fair speeches and supposedly self-made men and academic gurus, they have plunged the ordinary Ghanaian into an inexplicable poverty. Greed knows no bounds. They have nevertheless thrown the 2008 election into catch-22.

The distasteful truth is that about 80% of the present leadership and management are not fit to rule or manage Ghana. Many are bereft of innovative ideas and have not the guts to change the status quo for the good of all. Our major institutions have seen no major and progressive reforms besides those bequeathed to us from the colonialist. All the evils and hardship the leaders and managers have visited on the ordinary Ghanaian are there for all to see. Many seek personal interest above the common good of all. The practical living conditions of our people have worsened year after year.

To vote the Nkrumaist tradition to power is unthinkable. To vote the NDC to power is suicidal, since we are advised to consider how sleeping is like to learn about death. To vote the NPP into power again will be like casting ones pearl before the swine. All are unacceptable for the good people of Ghana.

If my readings in between the lines are right, there is the imminent need for innovative leadership and management in Ghana. People who will do for Ghana economically, managerially, politically and socially just as Nelson Mandela did for South Africa politically. The clarion call is being sounded and let all well meaning Ghanaians who love to serve this generation act in response.

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