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Opinions of Friday, 21 January 2011

Columnist: Acheamfour, Baah

Ghana's image is sinking.


BY: Baah Acheamfour.

The national chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Mr.
Jake Otanka Obestebi-Lamptey has stated that the good image created by former
President J.A. Kuffour and his NPP Government is under threat and that the
image Ghana had previously is sinking in the deep sea.

Mr. Obestebi-Lamptey said if we don’t say it we are going to
have a situation whereby we would not have chance to correct it.

“Ghana’s image is singing every where. Government is a relay
race; one government takes over from the other so the Mill- Mahama NDC
Government takes over from J.A. Koffour- Mahama NPP Government, at the time
that they took over Ghana was riding extremely high in the internal circle. Our
President (Kuffour) has for the first time be the chairman of African Union
(AU), he has been the chairman of ECOWAS for at least twice, he was invited to
G8 and G20 meetings by then Ghana’s voice was heard in the corridors of the
world, Ghana’s advice was sought, we were seen as being champion of democracy
within Africa and the real hope for Africa.”

He said it was on that base that the newly elected President
of America B. Obama made to the land of twelve (12) others was to first come
and visit Ghana. Instead of President Mills and Mahama to take over from where they
inherited and build on it and even take it to a higher height, they rather do
things to tarnish that image.

Mr. Obestebi-Lamptey said even the image Ghana had in ECOWAS
is undermined because they no more feel that Ghana is part and parcel of
maintaining peace and unity of ECOWAS.

Even in sports, FIFA threatened to throw us out, as if we
did not learn any lesson from it not quite long when IOC went ahead to suspend
us. Things of such nature tarnish the reputation of our country.

Jake emphasized that Ghanaians should not forget that it was
on this reputation that helped Ghana to access funds like the HIPC, Millennium
challenge account of $547 million to develop places that was previously left

Therefore, Ghanaians should keep a vigil eye on NDC
Government to retain the good image of Ghana.