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Opinions of Friday, 14 January 2005

Columnist: Abdul-Rahman

Ghanaian Journalist, Get Our Facts Right

I am writing to advice Ghanaian Journalist to get their facts right before coming to publish their stories or news. My attention has drawn to a news item published on Ghanaweb of January the 9th. The news item was originally published by an fm station named good fm. The writer was trying to speculate on the new ministers Kuffour is likely to appoint in his government.

One of the error I noticed was that the writer said that one Mohammed Antta was the NPP parliamentary candidate for Tamale south. This is not case, it is a factual misrepresentaion if not deception. The NPP parliament candidate for Temale south is Alhaji Mushpa Ali Idris. In fact, in non of the Tamale seats was Mohammed Antta an NPP parliamentary candidate.

In Tamale North the NPP parliamentary Candidate is Abdul Majeed Haroun, and in Tamale Central the candidate is Adam Mohammed Amin former NUGS President. Sometimes reading News from Ghana is very deceptive as the Journalist don't take their time to investigate what they intend to publish, some of the news has alot spelling and grammatical errors. This mistakes should come from ordinary people like myself and not from journalist who are trained to engage in such enterprise.

Abdul-Rahman, Canada.