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Opinions of Monday, 2 June 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Ghanaian Politics is Really Dirty

? Dirty shall the conduction of Ghanaian politics always remain should we as collective Ghanaian citizens, continue to be ignorant about our rights, but allow others to play on our intelligence all of the time. What at all could incite a fellow Ghanaian who belongs in the same political party as the other, to go out of their own separate way to pursue a purely ruinous agenda, intended to vilify or simply bring the other down? If this act is not devilish and dirty politics, then I don’t know what that is.

The hole in which the NPP currently finds itself is of its own making. In attempts to woo electorates to garner more winning votes, some people within the NPP fold have gone out to deliberately fabricate untenable stories to tarnish the reputation of Nana Akufo Addo Dankwah. Sadly, these latter day saints who are indeed devil incarnates by their acts, appearance and nature, have sold their conscience and integrity, if at all they have any, to their father, the Satan, for a pittance.

Having been baited with money, these completely "educated illiterates", have gone on rampage like drunks to malevolently soil the reputation of Nana Akufo Addo. Little did they know that Nana Addo is the only ray of hope the majority of Ghanaians are looking forward to, in these troubled times of the nation’s socio-politico-economic emancipation. Nana is the only one with the sound policies to liberate them from the artificial bondage in which they have saddled themselves with, by cowardly amid humbleness, accommodating the corruptibility and incompetence of the Mahama NDC government.

? God has designated him to come to liberate His children from the shackles of slavery intentionally wrapped around their necks and legs by the NDC government and party. Why can’t those on a mission to pull Nana Akufo Addo down, campaign on policies their favoured candidates intend to implement to alleviate the total poverty and corruption that are tormenting the Ghanaian masses like a fire of brimstone, but are rather attacking the physique of their opponent? Is this not silly and merely an act of sabotage that will not augur well for Ghanaians and the perpetrators themselves in the end? They think to be undermining Nana without knowing they are doing themselves a great disservice. “Cheat spider, you cheat yourself”.

? May I kindly request Mr Katakyie Kwame Opoku Agyemang, Hilda, and their band of saboteurs who have let their potbellies gone before them to think twice about their bound-to-fail mission to destroy Nana Akufo Addo? I found Katakyie a complete political nonstarter when he answered crudely to a question posed by an Adom FM radio programme presenter to him. He answered, “Rigging election or stealing election results is an integral part of the electoral game or process. Therefore, Nana Addo has no any excuse for justifying his defeat in elections 2012 as having been stolen by President Mahama and the NDC”. This was on Thursday 29th May 2014 morning. As soon as he said this, his lack of intelligence and abundance of stupidity became glaringly evident. Subsequently, the presenter chastised him and bade him adieu. How could the presenter continue to interview a person holding on to such a nonsensical and illegal view?

Look how doing stomach-politics in Ghana can rob a learned person like Katakyie Kwame Opoku Agyemang of all his intelligence, education, wisdom and patriotism towards mother Ghana. However, these are the people Mr Alan Kwadwo Kyeremateng is dining with. Like father, like son, I should say. That notorious Hilda and Katakyie by their preposterous behaviours have sounded the knell for their employer’s political ambition, mark my words. Ghanaians do not need hollow-minded persons and liars to rule them but honest, dynamic, dedicated and selfless persons who are ready to serve the people whole-heartedly.

Nana Akufo Addo all the way. NAA NAA NA, NANA SURE! Arise! Nana Akufo Addo Ladies Clubs the world over to defend the noble cause Nana stands for. I dedicate this article of encouragement to good cause but condemnation of roguish attitudes, to “Nana Akufo Addo Ladies Club” in Paris headed by Nana Yaa Afriyie, the No. 1 Ghanaian seamstress in France.

? Rockson Adofo