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Opinions of Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Columnist: Abdul Hadi

Ghanaian women in a media blackout: our women must speak up!

Some patrons (mainly women) of a thanksgiving service organised by Aglow International Some patrons (mainly women) of a thanksgiving service organised by Aglow International

I have always being wondering the kind of democracy and governance system that we are practicing as country.

A country where women voices are not heard in the media space

A country where women views and suggestions are ignored even in parliament where they represent their constituents.

A democracy and governance system where women are not given the opportunity to actively participate and debate strongly on national issues.

A country and governance system where issues concerning women are being discuss by men.

A democracy and governance system where the fourth arm of government (the mass media) is being polarized or dominated by men.

Why are Ghanaian women so silent on national issues?

Is it because of the traditional patriarchy where women are subordinates to their males counterparts?

Does it mean that men are better “noise makers” than women?

Are our women not qualified to lead in discussion of national issues?

Daily Ghanaian media programs panelist are always almost made up of males.

Some of these media houses do not even change the people who constitute their program panelist.

Is it only men who have knowledge in politics, economics, and social issues?
Why are these media houses not engaging Ghanaian women during their daily programs?

Don’t we have women in all the sectors of the economy who can debate on national issues?

Don’t we have women who can represent their political parties during political debates on TV and radio?

If it is true that behind every successful man, there is always a good woman, then why are we not bring our women on board to also share their views on national issues?

I believe that, the Ghanaian media in collaborations with Ghanaian men are over shadowing the women which must be stopped. Women are better managers of an economy, incorruptible, better leaders; have in dept knowledge in social, political and national issues. Let us hear voice and views of our women by giving them the opportunity to be appearing on frequently on TVs, Radios and other media platform to enable them contribute their quota for national development.

I also wish to suggest that, instead of always men dominant media discussions, the media space should give at least one week ALL FEMALE

PANELIST for all programs every month to enable us hear intensively what our women has for the betterment of our dear nation.

What men can do, women can do even better!
