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Opinions of Monday, 25 March 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Ghanaians Deserve much Better than….

Do we as Ghanaians not deserve much better than what the unlettered NDC apologists keep feeding us with day in day out? One thing that I have never countenanced in my adult life is to see one underrate my intelligence with impunity. It gets to me. It makes me mad! Whosoever does that will never be spared tongue-lashing to signal to them their acts of clear stupidity have not gone down well with me. I do not suffer fools kindly.

Who in Ghana does not feel the hardships the NDC through repugnant acts of corruption coupled with incompetence, have brought to bear on Ghanaians? Who in Ghana is not aware that the NDC government since the days of the late President Mills (may his soul rest in peace), has been conniving and colluding with certain people to steal money from the public coffers? Who in Ghana does not know that the NDC are rogues, empty barrels making most noise? Who in Ghana has not come to realise that the NDC as a government and party are directionless, clueless but abound in thieves? Is Alfred Agbesi Woyome not an NDC member and a major financier of the party? Is he not a BIG THIEF?

Upon all the sufferings Ghanaians have needlessly been pushed into against their will, some NDC apologists are insanely telling us that President Mahama has achieved his Better Ghana Agenda for Ghanaians. Let me pause to ask, "Are John Mahama and his NDC apologists not sick in the mind should they unashamedly claim they have achieved, or are on course to achieve, Better Ghana Agenda for Ghanaians?" What is better about their nonsensical exhibitory thievery policies they have so far implemented?

I believe in democracy. I believe democracy must be the pivot on which the socio-politico-economic emancipation of Ghana in particular, and Africa in general, revolves. Nevertheless, what do we see prevailing in Ghana under the watch of the Caretaker President John Dramani Mahama who doubles as an election stealer by the grace of Dr. Kwadwo Afari-Gyan, that shameless midget of Chairman of the Electoral Commission?

We see everywhere we go, CORRUPTION, LAWLESSNESS, INCOMPETENCE, MEDIOCRITY and BASTARDIZATION (CLIMB). Are these the achievements or the fruits of the supposedly Better Ghana Agenda that the late President Mills and John Mahama promised Ghanaians? They are complete jokers if really; this is their interpretation of their promised Better Ghana for Ghanaians.

The fact that a few NDC rogues are stealing to enjoy does not translate into all being well with all Ghanaians. Those NDC thieves are aware of this fact. What then do they take Ghanaians for, if they should continue to tell us this crap while the majority of us keep sitting with arms folded around the chest thinking there is nothing we can do but only have to cope with the situation? This is not right. We have sat on the fence for far too long. It is about time we told the NDC and John Mahama enough is enough with your trickeries.

I will appeal to the Supreme Court to speed up the hearing of the election 2012 fraud case. Ghanaians are fed up with the rubbishes in perpetuation by the NDC and especially, that Caretaker President who is clueless in governance but an expert at stealing winning election results.

I can really not stand the nonsense that the NDC government and party are spearheading in Ghana. For how long are Ghanaians going to grope in darkness, feeling the walls, hitting our heads against objects until we come, if really we can, out of the dark economic and social tunnel?

My condolences to Wofa Kwabena Osei, Wofa Kwabena Dapaah, Madam Ama Nyame, Nana Sarpong, Nana Bonsu, Dr. Kwabena Duffour etc. on the death of Madam Paulina Bannor, the daughter of the late Nana Osei of Kumawu-Abenaso. I have barely learnt about her death which though, occurred about a week ago.

The further the NDC as a bunch of aimless crooks do Ghanaians' head in, the more I will castigate them. This is a warning to them. Will they act far worse stupidly same believing "to be forewarned is to be forearmed?" Then that is their cup of tea. I will always be loitering around the corner for them.

I will cease to be incensed and completely cut off insults from my write-ups the day that the NDC will recognise and respect Ghanaians by ceasing their thievery and underestimation of our intelligence.
