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Opinions of Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Columnist: Sarpong, Justice

Ghanaians, Don't Demonstrate Against The USA Embassy

The Mahama administration has hurriedly organized the Ndc fool soldiers to demonstrate against the USA government for a tweet that the Embassy has already apologized about and I don't know the objective of this demonstration if not to shore up the fast sinking image of the Mahama useless government.

We have a proverb in Akan that says, "SE WASO AWADE3, TO WO PRETE" to wit, "IF YOU ARE READY FOR MARRIAGE, BUY YOUR OWN PLATES" instead of running to your neighbor to always borrow plates to serve your spouse. The Mahama administration is upset because it believes the USA Embassy is indulging in the internal Ghanaian politics, so what? This is the same Mahama that was complaining yesterday that its developmental partners which USA is the biggest donor is not supporting the government enough, is that not a paradox? You want their money and technical support but you don't want them to tell you what you are doing wrong?

When did we realize our sovereignty and pride are worth more than all the money in the world when we are always begging the international community for assistance? Was our sovereignty sleeping when we went to the Americans to come and investigate the market fires?

Was our sovereignty on lunch when we took loans from IMF and world Bank during President Mills administration and they dictated to Mills when Mahama was the Vice President not to hire more Ghanaians to increase the government workforce apart from replacing retirees? In essence putting a fleece on new hires?

President Mahama should not send Ndc fool soldiers out there after they consume jorums of akpeteshie and label them as Ghanaians demonstrating against what the USA Embassy said because most Ghanaians agree with what the Embassy said about the so called ten percent pay cut by Mahama and his Ministers after increasing their pay by more than fifty percent.

If a pickpocket took hundred cedis from you and turn around to give you ten cedis back so that you can have a taxicab fare back home, is that something you the victim should be thankful for? That is exactly what this Mahama corrupt administration was telling Ghanaians to appreciate after numerous corrupt scandals like GYEEDA, SADA, SUBAH, Infotech, The missing 600million dollars from Bank of Ghana and others.

Mr Mahama, why send your goon squad to go and demonstrate? Show real cojones by asking the Embassy to leave Ghana. This is an Embassy that employ many Ghanaians as clerks, drivers and other staff members and thesaid ttweet could have been posted by a Ghanaian Employee. Anyway, with all the problems we are having, the President have time to waste tweeting on social media, aaah!!!

For those who will accept akpeteshie and measly ten and twenty cedi notes to go and stand at the precincts of the Embassy, you better think very hard before you destroy your future because you will all be captured in film and still pictures in colors and if you have any plans of ever migrating to USA, you should kiss that dream goodbye. Don't allow yourselves to be used by these Politicians like Okudzeto Ablakwah, Ofosu Kwakye, Ras Mubarak and others who have diplomatic passports and houses in USA and will abandon you in a nanosecond when the need arise. Don't go and demonstrate, it is not worth it. Let those people send their sisters, brothers, uncles, fathers, mothers and other family members to go and demonstrate.

Justice Sarpong