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Opinions of Sunday, 20 November 2011

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Ghanaians Rebuff UK Prime Minister's Homosexuality Imposition

No Third World country, especially African country, is immune from attack by the
West when given the slightest opportunity. The superior Western World that is still
suffering from the bruises and scars sustained from the recent years' credit crunch
and economic recession are eager to vent their anger on any perceived nuisance
State. They will not hesitate to pursue any ray of hope that will help soothe their
economic pain and open up an escape route from their stifling recession. They are
like wild predator-dogs on the loose sniffing for preys to devour.

Ghana in my estimation is on monitoring and probably blacklisted for future attack
by the prowlers. A telltale fissure that attracts the West to a Third World country
with the innocent excuse of fixing it, but ulterior motive of muscling their
conquering military might has already opened up in Ghana. It is the current
unprecedented emergence of bold and open quest by the country's homosexuals and
lesbians for society recognition with the concomitant official hatred towards them.
The UK Prime Minister David Cameron recently issued a warning to Ghana. He asked
Ghana to embrace homosexuality with Hallelujah or have the yearly financial grant of
millions of pound sterling Britain gives to Ghana reduced drastically. This warning
is just a precursor of more serious subversive actions the West may take against
Ghana. Once they see a militarily weak country producing oil, they keep their
hawkish eye on the country, ready to pounce on it at the slightest

Let me take a swipe at the British Prime Minister David Cameron. He sees nothing
wrong about two adults consenting to what most Ghanaians see as lewd homosexual
acts. It is their human right to do whatever they wish with their body – freedom of
association and the right to marry, he declares. Fair enough. Little does Mr Cameron
know that every country has their laws, cultures and traditions to uphold? In Ghana,
it is illegal, an abomination and a taboo by our tradition and custom backed by
Constitutional law for anyone to engage in illicit sexual acts – homosexuality.
Every country has his or her laws that are in place to protect the citizens. Anyone
acting in contrast to the stipulated laws and regulations is guilty of infringement
and hence faces the full rigours of the law according as prescribed. No wonder
majority of Ghanaians look down on homosexuals with the abhorrence they deserve.

Many adults are those wishing to marry or possess more than one wife at a time in
the Western World, especially in Britain. Nevertheless, they have a law in place
making it illegal, a prosecutable crime for one to marry more than one wife at a
time. The British police will not hesitate to arrest any man breaking this law,
arraign him before a court and charged him with BIGAMY. He will face prosecution and
slapped with a jail term sentence.

Can a man from Ghana, a country where polygamy is acceptable proceed to Britain to
suggest to the British people to allow for polygamous marriages let alone, imposing
his wish on Britain? They will make a mockery of him or arrest him for proposing
what may be a detestable taboo to them. In much, the same vein should Ghanaians or
Africans not allow any imposition of the Whiteman's illness on us.

The Western world has not even fully embraced homosexuality. They have qualms about
it. John Kerry, the Democratic Party presidential nominee in the 2004 presidential
elections in the US lost to former President George W. Bush. Most Americans who
would otherwise have voted for him denied him their votes because he had declared to
legalise homosexual marriages across the entire of America if he won. The majority
of the voters hated to see the spread of homosexuality across America whereby even
straight people may think there is nothing wrong about becoming a homosexual after
all. American army sacked and banned homosexuals from within it until this year when
President Barack Obama passed a law forbidding the sacking of homosexuals from the
American army. He ordered for the re-instatement of all those sacked based on their
sexual inclinations and preferences, thus, homosexuality. This goes to tell that
upon the entire hullabaloo about the acceptance of
homosexuality in the Western world in line with human rights, there are still many
hurdles or rivers to cross.

In Britain, tutors in schools teach sex education but they do not allow for lessons
on homosexuality that may encourage many to take after it as fashion. Homosexuality
will never be encouraged in Ghana. Let the Human rights activists and the crazy
politicians who always seek to win elections on silver platter, continue to defend
the abominable homosexuality. Politicians in order to garner more winning votes at
elections have come to embrace and accept homosexuality as a norm.

I am sure Ghanaian homosexuals are not going to stick out their ugly heads and faces
agitating for further rights. They have rights as citizens and human beings but not
as homosexuals. Homosexuality is anathema to the customs and traditions of Ghana.
When you give a Ghanaian an inch of opportunity, he will go further to avail
himself/herself of a mile of freedom. Even before we knew, the homosexuals had
desired to stage a World Conference for homosexuals in Ghana. What an absolute
madness and rubbish!

I am sure the West will not descend on Ghana with their arsenal in pretence of
defending the stigmatised minority homosexuals while in effect they are coming for
our oil. They have done it in Iraq and Libya so they can do it in Ghana if given the
slightest beckoning but dubious opportunity or excuse to do so.

Mr Cameron can withdraw the financial aid he offers lazy Ghanaians towards their
yearly budget if it will come with a condition attached, opening up to
homosexuality. After all, our myopic and visionless politicians only, squander the
money without using it for the benefit of the entire nation.

Rockson Adofo