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Opinions of Thursday, 20 December 2012

Columnist: Ford, Alex David

Ghanaians Should Watch These Nation Wreckers!

The refusal to accept electoral defeat has been the stoke-in-trade of people of the NPP tradition. Since the Gold Coast era when their predecessors refused to accept several shellacking from the Great Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah in all elections they contested against him, people of this political persuasion have always remained very stubborn, even in the face of obvious defeat.

In recent times when the NDC under Jerry John Rawlings defeated them, they did not only refuse to accept defeat but also compiled a treatise which they named “The Stolen Verdict” In 2008, when under this same Nana Akuffo-Addo they were again defeated, they resorted to the same dirty tricks. They filed a dubious petition with the Supreme Court which they had packed with their party members and sympathizers, hoping that the judges will return the favours done to them. True to expectation, the so-called Chief Justice of our country tried to empanel judges to sit on the case on a Sunday. Realizing the dubious and dangerous motives of these crooks, John Agyekum Kuffour quickly handed over power to avoid the country being thrown into anarchy.

In the just-ended election, the NPP had accredited polling agents in all the polling centres where they contested. Their polling agents took part in the counting of the votes in their various constituencies and duly signed the results sheets, copies of which were also available to all polling agents including those of the NPP. As has always been their nature, these people once again started crying foul when they did not have any evidence. To support their devious and mischievous schemes, they summoned their polling agents who had previously signed the results sheets and instructed them to go and fabricate evidence to support their spurious claims.

Before they even instructed their polling agents to go and fabricate evidence, the NPP claimed that more than eight hundred thousand (800,000) votes had illegally been added to John Dramani Mahama, the NDC candidate’s numbers. Their eccentric General Secretary Sir John later hyped this number to one million (1000, 000) only to be disputed by their minority leader who put the number at one hundred and fifty thousand (150,000). Yet another founding member of the party Charles Wereko-Brobbey is now admonishing his colleagues to stop the entire ruse and accept the fact that they had properly been defeated.

These are the group of confused malcontents who want to rule the country. These mischievous characters have not hidden their atrocious intentions of throwing our dear country into civil strife and are prepared to tear the country apart because of their parochial political goals.

Nobody should underestimate these misfits. The country’s security services must keenly watch them