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Opinions of Saturday, 8 October 2011

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Ghanaians are Witnessing a Circus under President Mills

I have been cogitating over the humorous but teasing interrogation, "Can the Blackman manage his own affairs?" The case study on the current NDC administration in relation to the above interrogation gives one a vivid explanation of how the Blackman in all sincerity struggles when managing his own affairs.

Ghanaians in the later months of 2008 decided to entrust the governance of Ghana in the hands of the then candidate Atta Evans Fiifi Mills and the NDC party. They needed a change for better improvement in their socio-economic life. Many a Ghanaian thought Candidate Atta Mills with his record of academic accomplishment coupled with his experience as once the Vice President of Ghana was going to perform socio-politico-economic miracles at the crack of the finger. Little did they know an academic laurel devoid of charisma is not the answer to ones success in political management of a nation? A book knowledge and higher education qualification alone is not the yardstick to predict ones success in politics.

Most Ghanaians I have interrogated lately have regretted ever voting for President Mills to rule Ghana. They anticipated a better Ghana without intimidation, without armed robbery, but with fairness, creation of jobs and more money in people's pockets. However, what do they see? They only see a complete circus; a lame President surrounded by incompetent insult-chirping Ministers and Deputy Ministers of State. Ghanaians can only grin and bear until the close of 2012 to give the NDC circus rounds of applause and then show them the exit through the power of the thumb. The NDC as lawless as their foundation has always been, are practicing divide and rule governance in Ghana. The non-members of the NDC, the non-powerful in the society etc, are living on the fringes of justice. The NDC and the powerful ones have the right to heap insults on you but you have no right to answer back. What a segregated society we live in. President Mills and the entire NDC apparatchik should understand that even in South Africa, apartheid is in the throes of dying.

Governing a nation is not a circus show. President Mills must get his acts together to be fair, firm and serious. He is not at all exhibiting the qualities of one who is completely in charge of his people and the nation.

Everyone says the Ahwoi brothers are in charge of the Atta Mills' NDC government. Ato Ahwoi is steering the affairs of the government. He is more powerful than the lame duck President is. Did Ghanaians vote for President Mills or Ato Ahwoi? President Mills, please be serious for once. Ghanaians are dissatisfied with your silence and lack of direction when critical issues arise. Is this not a sign of weakness as the President of Ghana? President Mills with all his inactions emanating from sheer incompetence is desirous to rule Ghana until 2017. What a joke that is? Is he serious anyway?

I entreat all discerning Ghanaians to vote out President Mills and the joking but "sikadicious" NDC government from power. They are as confused in government as the confused rivers meandering in the Amazon forest. The world is moving fast and has no place for crawling, incompetent governments typified by President Mill's NDC.

Eshi rado, rado, Nana Akuffo Addo a na eko! NPP are on the move to wrestle power from the confused, incompetent, oppressive and clueless NDC administration. Hip, hip, hooray!

Rockson Adofo