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Opinions of Monday, 26 June 2023

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Ghanaians, be wary of the politics of deceit by the NDC flagbearer John Mahama

Former president, John Dramani Mahama Former president, John Dramani Mahama

Fellow Ghanaians, please accord me a few minutes of your precious time to listen to, or read, what I have for you. You may, or may not, have studied carefully and in detail about the personality of John Dramani Mahama.

Whatever your knowledge about the former president, John Dramani Mahama to this point is, I would like you to weigh what I am going to tell about him to check against yours whether I am telling the gospel truth or not.

John Dramani Mahama, is an overly ambitious person devoid of credibility and integrity. Why do I say this, one may question me? He lacks truth in his mouth. He eats, breathes, sleeps and talks propaganda all the time.

He is fond of running down his political opponents in the persons of president Nana Akufo-Addo and vice president, Dr. Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia on the accelerator pedal of lies and propaganda.

He mocks the innovative policies and programmes in implementation by his mentioned political rivals but when caught in a tight suffocating corner, he tries desperately to extricate himself by vociferously claiming to rather be the proponent of such policies and programmes hence he is not against them. Is he not being a damn liar with snake-split tongue here?

I was in Ghana during the 2012 electioneering campaign when I could witness for myself the unceasingly mounted television advertisements against the free Senior High School education policy mooted by then NPP presidential-candidate Nana Akufo-Addo, by the then acting president, John Dramani Mahama.

Nonetheless, when John Dramani Mahama won the election, and seeing how the public was desirous for the free Senior High School education programme, he started building a few free Senior High School intended-blocks in certain parts of Ghana, although the siting of the schools turned out to be inconvenient for would-be students. They were sited in remote areas with costly accessibility to day students.

When Nana Akufo-Addo luckily won election in 2016 and honestly rolled out the free Senior High School education policy and the public embracing it wholeheartedly, John Mahama started disturbing the ears of discerning Ghanaians saying, he was the author of that policy. How dishonest and incredible a personality he is!

Could he not be suffering from cognitive defects, if I may ask? A former president staging a comeback, goes to the Volta Region, mounts a campaign platform and tells the audience that during campaigns, he will mix truth and lies provided it can turn the hearts of the audience toward him to win the election. Will any sensible person dare insult the intelligence of his audience to their face unless the audience themselves are stupid?

John Mahama is a blemish on the image of Ghana hence unfit to be given a second chance to come back to rule Ghana. A person that is so populist to not know the importance of water bodies, virgin forests, fertile and arable lands and clean air to the survivability and sustainability of human life on earth is a million times not eligible to rule a nation.

Mahama for the sole purpose of winning elections to come and empty the coffers of the nation, or lord himself over the people for reasons best known to him and his NDC faithful, has promised to resource those illegal small scale and alluvial miners (galamseyers) destroying those elements of life mentioned above to expand their activities.

Mahama for the sake of winning political power for his selfish interests has mobilised his NDC propagandists to publicly run down the country’s Supreme Court on intent to courting public disaffection for the judges. Are the Supreme Court justices not there to interpret the constitution? Why is it that John Mahama does not want them to carry out their mandated duties? What a dangerous individual he is!

He knew very well that he had genuinely lost presidential election 2020, yet he dispatched, sorry to say, his bunch of NDC shallow-minds on to the streets of Accra and other cities agitating to have him declared the winner of the election. Is such a liar and insatiably greedy person with unquenchable taste for power and wealth eligible to rule Ghana? A person without any medium or long term vision for the development of Ghana but a farcical idea of providing most Ghanaians with a few chicks and hen coops to cater for their welfare, in my candid estimation, will be a total catastrophe as president of Ghana.

Look at the bloody lies he tells about Nana Akufo-Addo and NPP as regards the ousting of James Gyakye Quayson as member of parliament for Assin North Constituency. Why and how could President Nana Akufo-Addo connive with the Supreme Court to kick James Gyakye Quayson out of parliament?

Why is John Dramani Mahama not telling the constituents of Assin North Constituency and Ghanaians about why and how James Quayson’s name came to be ordered to be expunged from the files and documents of parliament by the Supreme Court?

Does it not have to do with James Quayson himself breaching an aspect of the constitution in relation to who cannot contest to become a member of parliament in Ghana?

Fellow Ghanaians, a person who lies through his teeth and is determined to do so until thy Kingdom come is by every measure of my imagination unfit to become the president of Ghana. Subsequently, I call on all rational Ghanaians to treat him with the scorn he deserves.

Be wary of him as he is one most dangerous individual parading the streets of Ghana trying to woo you to his camp which is inundated with liars, wicked and corrupt and avaricious people scheming for political power.

I call on all the noble constituents and or, the electorate, of Assin North Constituency to not vote for James Gyakye Quayson, the NDC and John Mahama’s candidate for the upcoming parliamentary by-election scheduled for Tuesday, 27 June 2023.

Such damn liars and criminals should not be tolerated in the corridors of power in Ghana!

I am still on John Mahama, the head of the snake!