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Opinions of Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Ghanaians, don’t be fooled

President John Mahama President John Mahama

By Rockson Adofo

From what one of the leading members of the “Mahama Must Go” movement has seen with his naked eyes and what I have heard from very reliable sources, I shall only advise my Ghanaian compatriots, especially the electorates, that are going to exercise their franchise on Wednesday, 7 December 2016, not to be influenced by such project-commissioning.

He had seen with his own eyes how the said football/sports stadium built by President Mahama at New Edubiase is just a raised, but uncompleted rectangular concrete wall around a piece of land. The ground has not even been leveled by a grader let alone, having green grass planted on it.

He became aware of the purported structure assumed as the New Edubiase sports stadium when the passenger bus he was travelling on passed by it. One of the passengers who is an NDC stalwart pointed it out to the other passengers amid laughter that it is the stadium.

One could tell from his body language that even though he is an NDC activist, he was not happy about the degree and volume of lies his party’s President and faithful go about telling Ghanaians.

Additionally, President Mahama was scheduled to proceed to Kumawu on Friday 2 December 2016 to commission the uncompleted Kumawu Water Project. He would have commissioned it as completed whereas in reality it is not.

They had arranged a water tanker to pump water into the pipelines in a particular area of the Kumawu township. That area slopes down from where the tanker pumped the water into the surrounding pipelines. By this, they would have selected that area for President Mahama to cut the sod to commission the Kumawu Water Project as completed.

He would have turned on one of the public water taps and with water flowing, they would have filmed it to put it on the news that the Kumawu Water Project is completed.

Since the pipelines were laid about a year ago, no water has been pumped from the Afram Plains, the water source, into the water reservoir built on top of a hill on the Kumawu-Abotanso road. No water has ever been pumped through the pipelines to clean them yet, President Mahama was programmed to commission it as said.

These are the dodgy commissioning of projects all for the purposes of fooling Ghanaians to get their votes for cheap and on deceit.

On the bus again, there were people saying, the NDC organized a rally at Koforidua where they were themselves present. They said there were about eight-hundred people present and each person was given a box of matches each of which contained a new GHC50 note. They even wondered where the NDC got that money from. Could they be printing the money themselves, thus, counterfeiting the Ghana Cedis or what, they said?

They continued to assert that NDC organised a rally at Agona Sweduru where there was a car full of cash. The organisers would dip their hands into the money and start distributing it to those in attendance. This is NDC for you.

No matter what they do, the majority of Ghanaians have decided to vote for a change. 2016 is the year in which many countries are voting for a change so it is the turn of Ghana to vote for a change.

Dear Father Almighty, please let the change you have started elsewhere in the world be the portion of Ghanaians in the upcoming 7 December 2016 elections. Let the majority of Ghanaians vote to elect Nana Akufo Addo and NPP into government. Amen.