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Opinions of Thursday, 6 December 2012

Columnist: Acquaah, Rita

Ghanaians go back to the polls on Friday 7th December 2012

The time has come – Ghanaians go back to the polls on Friday 7th December 2012

Finally, the time has come for Ghanaians to go back to the polls to vote for a government for the next four years. This is such a significant time for all Ghanaians and we have been looking forward to this from the beginning of the year. Campaigns are gradually drawing to a close and not surprisingly getting rather heated by politicians to make sure they get the rather important undecided eligible voters to their side.

With everything going on with the economies of Europe and America, the time has come for Africa. We have faced very tough times as a continent and continue to face, but for someone who is a believer, one thing is for sure, in every challenge there is an opportunity within. At a personal level, when we face unprecedented challenges in our lives, we learn from them and exploit the opportunities within. We hear of European countries resorting to the IMF for financial support; who would have dreamt about that? It is only Africans and some Asian countries that resort to the IMF for financial support to deal with an ailing economy! Well, as Ghanaians we have all the experience of dealing with the IMF’s of this world, perhaps our European friends could come to us for advice? Not only can we give them expert advice we can also teach them a few techniques of living in abject poverty – survival.
With a few days left for the elections, I call on all Ghanaians particularly those who are eligible to vote, to please reflect carefully before exercising their right on Friday 7th December 2012. Some of us cannot vote because we were not in the country to register but we put our hope in the lucky ones who can exercise their right. The plea to you, is, please reflect carefully, you have heard it all – in the media, campaigns and through friends. At this opportune time for Africa, which of the leaders do you honestly believe can move Ghana forward? Who can positively exploit this opportunity to put Ghana where it deserves to be? All Ghanaians badly want to see positive change in our lives. If you want something badly enough, no linkages to tribal lines or any coercion from a particularly party will make you vote for them if you genuinely believe that party cannot deliver. This makes it critical that you vote for a leader based on a careful analysis taking into consideration the kind of team the person will bring on board to govern the nation in a way that will enable the achievement we all desire. At the end of the day, we all want one thing, to see a better Ghana; a booming economy and the team to achieve this, is rather critical.

One lesson that we have all learnt from the Olympics this year is the fact that behind every Olympic superstar that we saw, there was a team behind the success. Figure it out, who is the right leader for Ghana at a time such as this? Who will be able to face the challenges that abound and overcome them successfully for a better Ghana? The world is watching us again. May God grant us a peaceful election and give us the right person to govern Ghana for the next four years.

Rita Acquaah LLM
Amansan FM
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