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Opinions of Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Columnist: Awal Mohammed

Ghanaians need people like Kwame Dzokoto in Parliament

Opinion Opinion

I have read so many commentaries on Kwame Dzokoto's bid to enter the august house. For the past three days, his pictures accompanied with derogatory messages started trending on social media in a bid to denigrate him. I'm not surprised because almost all those engaged in this act are political opponents who sees him as a threat to a seat they have held since 1996.

My only disappointment is people in academia who are supposed to know better are joining the fray. Chiefly among them is, Dr Amoako Baah a political scientist who admonished him not to go and joke in parliament.

I do not understand why people think that if someone is a comedian or actor, he/she cannot reason well and hence cannot represent his people in parliament.

Kwame Dzokoto is not the only actor/comedian who is seeking to be elected to represent his people in parliament and will not be the last person.

In the USA where Dr Amoako Baah lived and worked for several years, Alan Stuart Al Franken who was elected as a senator for Minnesota in 2008 was a comedian and actor. Arnold Schwarzenegger the Governor of California, etc the names of Actors or comedians turning politicians is endless.

In Ghana, the current deputy minister for tourism, culture and creative arts Hon Dzifa Gomashie was an actress and she's discharging her duties effectively.

Comedy and acting entails a great skill which feebleminded people cannot engage in. It is a work for people with high intellect.

How many of our current Mp are more intelligent than Kwaku Sintim Missah( KSM)? Is he not also fit to represent his people in parliament if he wish to?

Let's not forget that we need all professionals in parliament to help make laws that will benefit all and sundry. Between a banker and an actor or comedian, who will be able to contribute in making laws that will affect people in the creative industry?

I do not know much about Kwame Dzokoto, but the little I know is that, he was trained as a professional teacher at the University of Education, winneba kumasi campus.

If elected, he is going to parliament with so many years of experience in the creative industry and as a teacher.

I therefore call on actors, comedians, producers and all the people in the creative industry to join Kwame Dzokoto in his campaign so that they will have one of their own who will serve their interest.

By Awal Mohammed.