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Opinions of Thursday, 13 May 2010

Columnist: AFRICA SPEAKS blogger

Ghanaians upset with US

Ghanaians, including me are completely disgusted and annoyed! The people can’t believe the level of mediocrity, insanity and arrogance on display by the US foreign mission based in the African country of Ghana.

It is believed that some irresponsible illiterates at the Embassy in Ghana and probably under the instruction of US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton to start attacking government key decision makers within the Oil Sector. A sampling opinion in Ashanti and Greater Region shows visible anger among Ghanaians across the political spectrum on US Embassy disrespect to the Ghanaian government officials. 100% of the people who were interviewed described the action of the US Embassy as ‘’Childish and Crazy’’!

The Ghanaian Energy Minister was recently refused a United States Visa and so was the Chairman of the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC). The irresponsible behaviour by the US is due to the fact that, the government of Ghana is blocking Kosmos Energy(US corrupt Oil company that want to sell it stake to Exxon Mobil).

The government of Ghana is interested in buying the Kosmos stake for the benefit of Ghanaians, and the best reaction the US will do is to refuse Ghana’s Oil Managers visas to the US.

''This is crazy, absolute nonsense! This is the stupid things that some Americans diplomatic missions do and angers some leaders and responsible people to criticize the US foreign policies and government in all forms'' said Abu in Kumasi.

''Enough is enough! America can take whatever it has and we also take our Oil''- Kennedy, Accra

''Never again in the 21st century will these guys enslave us in our own country. Never again!'' - Osei , Accra

''I know Barack Obama will be extremely upset with these white guys in the embassy here attempts to sabotage Ghanaians.'' - Mensah, Kumasi

''Those white guys have forgotten what Obama said when he came to this country; ‘’Ghana is for us, and only us can make it better’. We will fight for our right, and nothing can stop us.'' - Jane, Accra

I call on President Mills to immediately call President Barack Obama to issue investigations into the activities of the US Embassy in Ghana.

Karl Smith