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Opinions of Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Columnist: Isaac Ofori

Gloomy painting of Ghana's economy is deliberate, NDC behind the diabolism

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

Time and chance, they say happen to everyone. The time of NPP has come and their taunting during their opposition days has come to haunt them within the current economic situation. We can remember how Akuffo Addo and Dr. Bawumia taunted NDC and Mahama to grab power from them.

Now the time has come for payback from NDC who have taken their taunting spirit to a different level. More importantly, is the NDC's parliamentary strength and how it has given them some leverage to match NPP boot for boot. The NDC has vowed to frustrate government business so long as their action will bring them political capital.

The downturn of 2019 due to Covid-19 and the recent needless war between Russia and Ukraine, have brought some distress to the world’s economy and developing countries are enduring the brunt of the impacts. Many economic experts have shot down Covid-19 as the sole cause of Ghana's wobbling economy and blamed it rather on needless spending and profligate expenditure on the part of the executive.

NDC also believes that the Covid-19 relief fund had been badly mismanaged and the government’s intervention of free water and electricity as well as soft loans to the majority of Ghanaians, were done under the disguise of winning electoral favour. Again, other economic think tanks think the government’s flagship programmes especially the free SHS are the monsters derailing our economic wheels.

Nonetheless, the NDC attempt to pontificate, economic saint, is absurd and hypocritical in the highest order. We will all recall how the late Atta Mills left a somehow good-looking economy into the care of wailing Mahama and he ended up seeking a bailout from IMF. What happened before Mahama went to IMF? What happened to the good-looking economy that was left in his custody? At a point, Mahama admitted that the meat has been ripped off the bones and Senchi Economic Convocation became necessary.

There were attempts to arrest the dollar and IMF had to ban public sector recruitment giving birth to the infamous 3-Month Salary payment of already recruited public officers. Dumsor gained international prominence and many small businesses collapsed. Ghana was not going through any world crisis and yet we were heading to the abyss. It became clear that NDC cannot continue with their whack economic management and eventually Ghanaians boot them out in 2016.

Unfortunately for NPP, the 2019 covid pandemic coupled with the 2020 elections gave them economic hell. Government businesses were brought to a halt and border closure put additional pressure on prices of imported goods. Government revenue reduced drastically as businesses were shut down momentarily. It was very clear the country could not withstand the impact of Covid. Currently, the dollar has lost its stableness and is running for GH₵8 as against GH₵4.54 in 2017.

Despite the struggle, the situation is not as bad as NDC and other economic experts are trying to paint it. The recent fuel price hike is a result of the World Crisis and it is politically fair to state that it is beyond the reach of NPP.

It is important also for us to understand that Ghana is still recovering from the economic shocks of 2019 – 2020 and it is prudent to admit that the current situation is the residue of the impacts. Again, the haste of which NDC is deliberately painting a gloomy picture about Ghana’s economy is borne out of mere diabolism.

The recent pronouncement of Coup from some key opposition elements is a clear display of political desperation on the part of NDC. NDC is not clean and cannot never be cleaned, irrespective of the current challenges. Their attempt to visit political pronouncements of NPP leaders to juxtapose the current happening shows that they have no alternative ideas to help convince Ghanaians of their come back.

Now they have succeeded to paint E-LEVY as evil and the enemy of the poor. They are also busily fighting the government in parliament and trying their best to make the government look insane to create dissatisfaction for NPP in the eyes of Ghanaians.

The question is “IS GHANA AS BAD AS NDC WANT US TO SEE IT”. Again, “WHAT WOULD NDC DO DIFFERENTLY SHOULD GHANA BE HANDED OVER TO THEM TODAY”. MAHAMA does not stand a chance to ridicule NPP because his records as documented and witnessed by Ghanaians, stinks, even without covid and Russian war.

So NDC's vociferous adventure into painting Ghana as Sodom and Gomorrah is a hatched diabolism carefully rehearsed to reap political capital in 2024. Akuffo Addo and Bawumia have 2 and a half years to turn around our economic fortunes and we wish them well in everything since Ghana belongs to all of us.

Until 2024, when Ghanaians will pass the final verdict, NPP still stands the chance of bettering our economic hopes if and only if they will commit to enforcing better economic management whilst lowering corruption.