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Opinions of Tuesday, 24 May 2022

Columnist: Abdul-Razak Lukman

Glorious happy birthday to Mama Nahid Egala

Nahid Egala Nahid Egala

It is my great honor to offer best wishes and congratulations to Hajiah Nahid Egala, on the occasion of her birthday. The significance of this day is beyond just your birthday. It is a celebration of a benevolent figure that is loved and greatly admired.

It is a birthday that everyone desirous of fostering humanity must be interested in because I see you are a fantastic role model for all those seeking to understand how to make an impact on their lives and on others.

Mama Nahid is the loving wife of a unique man (Mr. Osman Egala) whose humanitarian services have relieved humanity of rather bizarre challenges that threaten human life. Indeed, you have been a jewel of inestimable values and blessing to our generation which is limited by figures of such goodness, and surely Allah knows best. Words cannot express my happiness for the opportunity to celebrate your special day with you.

In fact, parenting is a noble profession and you do an amazing job at it. It has not always been an easy task to parent many and teaches them life's own goals. I can say that I'm blessed to be under your motherhood. You have played an immeasurable motherly role to me which I must forever be grateful of.

I celebrate you more because I regard you as an amazing virtuous woman and an inspiration to all who come across you. Your love for people who are fair, truthful, sincere, and honest to their fellow beings knows no bounds.

By the grace of Allah, you had shown kindness to humanity and compassion to many, whereas others took the opportunity of that virtue to inflict pain on you for no justifiable reason.

Your touch of kindness shall never go unnoticed by many people who know the value of kindness. However, you hardly want your blessings of kindness to be made known to the public because of your principle as always: Allah's acknowledgment and awareness surpass everything and are so rewarding than the fake gratitude of the ever forgetting human soul.

You have shown me kindness in times I least expected it and I couldn’t be more grateful. To be ungrateful to you is to be ungrateful to Allah. As the Holy Qu'ran beautifully put it: And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]; but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe.” Surah Ibrahim Ayat 7.

Mama, you have set a standard and as well as an example for those of us dedicated to making our communities and the world a better place. You have lived and still living a life of selflessness and doing things purely for the sake of our Creator and certainly, Allah knows best. Please continue your work as always because there's no better living than doing God's work.

There is no doubt that your approach and passion reflect in the work you do for society. Thank you for all the good deeds and goodwill you share with so many of us. You are a Rock Star! One of goodness and nothing but goodness. Your goodness has kept many positive hopes alive and must be celebrated.

You are seen as a person of virtue, spirit, and godliness. An epitome of faith and truthfulness, as you mark your years of existence on earth today, I join others in wishing you a very happy birthday. With Allah's infinite blessings, may you have many more decades of sound health to stay with us and continue to lead! That's why I say, with all sincerity and with love: may Allah grant you the best of His gifts.

Your Son,