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Opinions of Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Columnist: Ato Kwamena Dadzie

Go ahead and sue, Mr President

Dear Mr. President,

This is just a friendly reminder. Just in case you’ve forgotten, your ultimatum – issued through your spokesman – for the ‘Weekly Standard’ to retract a story about your alleged shady dealings with a Kuwaiti oil firm has expired. It expired on October 31.

Many of us have been waiting with bated breaths for you to show us that it wasn’t just another empty threat. The newspaper had reported almost a month ago that you had been engaged in a shady deal with an oil company in Kuwait. According to the paper, the deal went awry and as a result you are now saddled with a debt of five billion dollars. Gosh! That’s a lot of money. How many presidential mansions can we build with that? And how many hotels can you buy with that?

I suppose you don’t want to leave any doubts in our minds that you’ve had nothing to do with a Kuwaiti company and you don’t owe any company in the Gulf a dime. That’s why a few days after the publication of the story in the ‘Weekly Standard’, you ordered your spokesman, Andy Awuni, to call an emergency news conference, where he vehemently denied the allegation and issued an ultimatum, demanding – on your behalf behalf – a retraction of the story and an apology within 14 days. If the paper failed to meet those demands, Mr. Awuni warned, you could go to court to have your name cleared... Click here to read full article