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Opinions of Monday, 13 July 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

God is Resolving the Kumawu Chieftaincy Dispute in a Mysterious Way

Dispute is resolved in a mysterious way Dispute is resolved in a mysterious way

Human beings will never understand how God does His things hence the saying, "Man proposes but God disposes". Many an amazing spiritual revelation indicates with precision that God has appointed a particular person from the Ananangya royal family to be the successor Kumawuhene to the late Barimah Asumadu Sakyi II. However, Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, the alleged Overlord of Asanteman, who indeed is a Ceremonial Head of Asanteman since the restoration of the Asante Confederacy in 1935, acting in concert with Asanteman Council and certain other accomplices, has been making relentless, but deliberate efforts, to scupper God's plans.

Let us now look how God is working, slowly but surely, to bring about his purpose for his appointed One (Barimah Tweneboah Koduah IV) and the citizenry of Kumawuman.

Is it not only a fool who will commit a crime under the cover of darkness in complete absence of anyone, but then comes out in the open, in broad daylight, to announce it to the public? Let us give credit to God for compelling Kumawuhemaa Nana Abena Serwaah Amponsah to come out to proclaim before Asanteman Council and a great audience on 24 February 2014 that she had financially induced the Kumawu kingmakers, thus, bribed them, to elect her then nominated candidate Dr Yaw Sarfo as Kumawuhene. Luckily, her assertions were captured on video which has since appeared on YouTube under the title, "Asantehene involves in corruption".

Her action and claims as captured on video contravenes not only Sections 239 to 247 of the Ghana Criminal Code, 1960 (ACT 29), but also, Section 13 of The Warrington Notes on Stool Disputes and the 1938 Item 5 – "The offering and accepting of bribes in connexion with election and destoolment of Chiefs" as found in pages 210 to 212 of DR K. A Busia's book titled, "The Position of Chief in Ashanti". For a better and a more comprehensive explanation, please refer to the website link below.

Little did Kumawuhemaa know that publicly revealing her secret dealings would be used against her? Despite the fact Asantehene, a "yen ntie obiaa" chief who has additionally developed tough skin in his public life is collusively calling the shots, siding with Dr Yaw Sarfo and Kumawuhemaa, he will in the end not be able exonerate them and himself from blame or guilt. The facts and evidence at hand as incessantly mentioned or revealed in my publications cue readers in what the final score as destined by God will be.

On last Wednesday, 8 July 2015, two traditional events indicative of God's systematic approach to resolving the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute in accordance with His plan as revealed earlier, happened. Dr Yaw Sarfo, the alleged Kumawuhene going by the Stool name Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah was secretly summoned to Manhyia Palace by Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II to meet a Court judge. From my reliable source of information, Dr Yaw Sarfo filled in a form in the presence of the judge for his gazetting. This form will understandably be taken to the National House of Chiefs for him to be formally gazetted as the paramount chief of Kumawu.

He might surely have given a wrong response to one or two or many of the questions on the form. One thing I know is if he answers he has a case pending against him on his claim to the Stool either in court or before a Traditional Council, he will not be gazetted until the case has successfully been adjudged in his favour. If he states on the form that there is no pendency of court case against him with regards to his enstoolment as Kumawuhene, and it does get discovered that there is, he will not be gazetted, but also, charged with perverting the course of justice.

On same Wednesday as mentioned earlier, a Cape Coast High Court presided over by Supervising High Court Judge and Appeal Court Judge, Justice G.S. Suurebareh ordered the National House of Chiefs to strike out the Paramount Chief of Oguaa Traditional Area, Osabarima Kwesi Atta II, from their register. Osabarima was accused of forging documents to get him sworn in as a paramount chief in the National House of Chiefs for answering on the form there was no pendency of litigation against him over his enstoolment and that he possesses the black stool whereas both answers should have been the contrary. Read the entire story from the link below.

I know Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II is desperate to forestall the imminent disgrace about to befall him. The White Norwegian he has dubiously leased hundreds of thousands of hectares of Kumawu Afram Plains lands to for 50 years was about to go public with some information on how he has been fleeced of millions of US dollars by Asantehene were the lands not legally fully released to him hence Asantehene permanently engaging in dubious acts to have Dr Yaw Sarfo, a complete puppet, recognised as Kumawuhene. It is only a Kumawuhene who can legally authorise the sale or the lease of Kumawu Stool lands for foreign investment, etc. The looming calamity faced by Asantehene at the hands of the Norwegian is expatiated on in the link below.

No matter what they do, God's wish will prevail. No matter how hard they try to twist the truth or influence people including judges, court clerks or may attempt to cause the disappearance of vital documents from court files, good (truth) will prevail over evil (lies). In all these unpalatable circumstances, God provides a way, He exposes their fraudulent acts.

I shall entreat all those supporting the side of God to view the current situation in which the God's own appointed one and his supporters find themselves in as a tribulation reminiscent of the encounters by the biblical Job. It will pass away, same as Job's was. Victory shall be yours same as it was for Job. Only keep faith with Him.

Do you now understand the ways of God? No, being humans, we can never know His ways fully except Himself.

Lest I forget, was the alleged Kumawuhene, Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah not denied access to some Kumawuman funds he recently made some attempt to collect? Did a guy at the Ministry of Lands not challenge his eligibility to access that fund? Will he go back to the Lands Department to try again in case he can avail himself of the funds now that Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II has paved the way for him through his open secret gazetting for the purpose of their "create, loot and share" scheme?

Rockson Adofo