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Opinions of Friday, 25 December 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

God’s Christmas Gift to Kumawuman Shames Asantehene

Praise be unto God Almighty. Amen! God has proved His greatness, steadfastness and trustworthiness to not only Kumawuhene Barimah Tweneboah Koduah V and his sub-chiefs but also, to almost the entire people of Kumawuman who crave the prevalence of justice at all times.

A Mampong High Court judge in his ruling on a case filed by the plaintiffs on the alleged destoolment of Kumawu Aduanahene, Kumawu Akwamuhene, Kumawu Akyempemhene and Kumawu Nsumankwaahene on Tuesday 22 December 2015 made complete nonsense the bragging by Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II presupposing that no court in Ghana can reverse any decisions taken by him, being the occupant of the Golden Stool and the Overlord of Asanteman.

Asantehene's order to remove the mentioned Kumawu sub-chiefs from office as attested by a letter from the Kumawu Traditional Council at the behest of Dr Yaw Sarfo (the alleged Kumawuhene Barimah Sarfo Tweneboakh Koduah) of which I published a true form copy on Modernghana and News Ghana under the web link was rebuked by the judge as being outrageously authoritarian and extrajudicial. His order, in the 21st Century Ghana was baseless if not unconstitutional, the judge might have said.

In a nutshell, the court has reinstated the alleged destooled sub-chiefs effective from the minute following the declaration of the judge's verdict in their favour.

There was wild jubilation by the people of Kumawuman yesterday. Kumawuhemaa Abena Serwaah Amponsah and Dr Yaw Sarfo drove out of Kumawu at a 5th speed gear when the entire Kumawu was engulfed in wild jubilation supportive of the reinstatement of the alleged destooled sub-chiefs by Dr Yaw Sarfo at the request of Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II.

I shall write in detail about the verdict, the jubilation and the quick retreat from Kumawu by Dr Yaw Sarfo and Kumawuhemaa without anyone intending to harm or chase them. They put themselves to flight to prove the veracity of the adage, "the evil person runs away without being chased"

Stay tuned for the full story which will not only be sensational but also, educating, admonishing and revealing of how God fulfils His promises in the lives of those to whom He makes such promises.

Tune in to Sources radio UK online for any latest information or updates on the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute. Watch Asantehene brag on video on

Rockson Adofo