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Opinions of Saturday, 8 March 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

God’s Wrath is Looming Over "Odisika Kalabuleman" and……



"Di nnea eye", shouts Afua Sika, the wife of His Majesty the King, "Odisika Kalabuleman". Yes, "Odeefo3 yere", answers the servant. Would you please hurry to take the cell phone (mobile phone) to His Majesty the King? I have been able to raise one of the servants of First Lady on the phone, says Afua Sika.


"Di nnea eye" rushed with the phone to His Majesty the King according as instructed. Prostrating to the King, he said, Your Majesty the King, I have been directed by Madam to take this phone to you. On the Smart phone, "Odisika Kalabuleman" could see the panicking face of First Lady’s servant, "Kofi Macho man".


Hi Kofi, where is First Lady, asked His Majesty the King? She escaped from town the day after an abortive attempt was made by a Court bailiff to serve some document on her. What document was it, queried the King? I do not know but I am sure First Lady knew what it was. She refused to go out to take it, asking us to tell the bailiff that she was not around, which we did. When did she leave town? It was around 01:00 (1 am). Thank you, bye, says His Majesty the King, then switches off the phone.


Upon all her public bravado, First Lady is a damn coward, she has chickened out, laughs His Majesty the King "Odisika Kalabuleman". She thinks manoeuvring to have your candidate installed as a paramount chief is as easy as reciting A, B, C, D or counting 1, 2, 3, 4… She goes out bribing people and making big promises. She is running for cover now that it has backfired on her. She "ain’t seen nothing" yet, (she hasn’t seen anything yet) hahahaha, laughs His Majesty the King.


Barely has he switched off the phone when it begins to ring again. It is "Emmaa nnpe Hia", the wife of "Nana Adufrupe the sunken eyes" alias "Ameemee", with her puffy face on the screen. Yes my Love, what do you have for me this morning, inquires His Majesty the King?


Your Majesty the King, your right hand man is taken seriously ill. He had a dream in which he was punched in the head by an angel of God and warned to be of good behaviour or he will die. When he woke, he started experiencing terrible headache. I have returned from rushing him to the hospital where he is undergoing intensive medical examinations. Come and see, he is weeping like a child, calling out the names of his diseased parents to come and bundle him off to where they are – "Asamando". I am beginning to get worried hence calling to notify you about his health.


He told me three days ago that he was going to visit a "Mallam" about the recent developments relating to the "Animiakrom" chieftaincy verdict of which he played a decisive role. He says he is scared about the outcome of the impending Court case. His reputation will be damaged irreparably. He is now panicking and had wished he never got involved in the first place.


Ask him to be a man. The harm is already done. He is the very person who pushed us into behaving corruptibly irresponsibly. He is now consulting Mallams, what for; His Majesty the King chided "Ameemee" for his action. Tell him I am on my way to see him now.


Afua Sika, please get "Nokware Asa", the chief linguist, to inform all the other chiefs in "Kasapreko" that I am on way to "Kyiritwe" to visit "Nana Adufrupe the sunken eyes". He is not well. He has to be well to attend Court in my stead to defend our irresponsible collusive behaviour that nearly saw First Lady enthroned her "Obo3fa dadeE" as the paramount chief of "Animiakrom".


In less than two hours, His Majesty the King, finds himself by the hospital bed of his right hand man, "Nana Adufrupe the sunken eyes". "Ameemee", how are you? I am not well. I have been seeing horrible things in my dreams. The spirits and gods of "Animiakrom" are not enthused at all about the role I played to twist the truth in their chieftaincy case. "Nananom Nsamanfo3" are summoning me to a sitting to justify my actions.


No, you will not go until you have defended your actions here on earth first. You cannot leave me in this total mess. What is happening should serve a lesson to us all, criminals as we are. We have always been hunting down our prey as does a pride of lions. Now we shall be dying together if we refuse to adhere to God’s admonition to us to turn a new leaf for the better.


Hardly had His Majesty the King left when "Nana Ameemee" fell into a trance. An angel of God appears and reassures him that he will not die but live on the only and one condition that he goes to reverse the wrong verdict he instigated against the true royals of "Animiakrom". He had connived to ensure the enthronement of the wrong person following from the underhand deal he was neck-deep involved in.


"Nana Ameemee" came out of the hospital to do exactly as advised by the angel. He calls a meeting of the Council of Chiefs and tells them his illness and encounters with the angel of God. He shouts down "Odiawuo Akyempenhene" when he seeks to thwart his plans to redeem himself of God’s wrath. "Odiawuo Akyempenhene" is still mired in his evil corrupt ways.


His Majesty the King, "Odisika Kalabuleman" also tells the Council that God has decided to do unto him as He did unto King Harold or King Nebuchadnezzar if he, "Odisika Kalabuleman", did not repent.


Let us see if they will do as requested of them by the angel of God. The "Animiakromians" are getting edgy. They want to know how things turn out.

Hey "Animiakromians" and the citizens of Kasapreko and "Adufrupe", it will take me months to come to the conclusion of this hilarious story. Therefore, I can only advise you to exercise patience with me.


To be continued.

I dedicate this piece to Akua Bea who is now holidaying in Toronto, Canada. I understand "Canada aw3 yi, ani mmea oo ani mmea" is doing her head in. How is Paul K?


Written and sent for publishing on Sunday, 9 March 2014.


Rockson Adofo

