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Opinions of Wednesday, 16 October 2019


Godfathers who change election pattern in Ghana

They are mobilizerdes and Fund Raisers. They are mobilizerdes and Fund Raisers.

The purpose of this article, inter alia, is to salute the titanic political strides and sagacity of one of Ghana’s foremost strategic Godfathers, As the nation prepares for election 2020.

The writer, a Journalist after a careful perusing of the literature, surmised cognitively that the dominant style or approach associated with the Strategic Leadership approach; even though not yet empirically proven.

It is the writer’s belief that these great Godfathers are the Movers and Shakers of Ghana now. They have proven the dexterous display of strategic foresight.” Godfathers in Ghanaian politics sometimes run for office themselves, but many believe they are the ones who decide the election winners and losers.

With campaigning well underway for general elections in Dec 2020 these are the men – and they invariably are men – who pull the strings behind the scenes.

They are political sponsors, who use money and influence to win support for their preferred candidates.

Both the NDC and NPP have them, they matter and sometimes swing the elections you may hate them but, without their influence and respect you cannot move.

They are mobilizes and Fund Raisers.

The NPP – President J.A Kufour, Dr. Baffour Adjei Bawuah, Ghana’s Ambassador to the USA, Mr. Odoi Sykes, a veteran and respected politician, Mr. Kwame Pianim, a tried and Tested Politician who is also respected and carries a lot of weight in Financial Circles. Dr. Addo Kufour, A very Humble Politician, who used his office by sticking to what he had as his vision for the ministry helped to establish himself as a peacemaker who does not shirk responsibilities or run away from good work, Mr. Donkor Forjour. A very revered and trusted Political Colossus in Ghana’s Political arena.

The NDC – President Jerry John Rawlings a tried and tested personality with Charisma. Captain Kojo Tsikata, A Doyen of Ghana Politics and Global Icon and a respected Distinguished Statesman, The Ahwoi Brothers, Stormy Petrels and Mobilisers when it comes to politics of Ghana.

They matter. Alhaji Issifu Baba Kamara. Former National Security Adviser to the President, A well connected Intelligence Capo, Diplomat, business tycoon across the Sub Region and a Trusted Public Figure across the Globe. When he speaks West Africa Listens. These are the Godfathers who are in Charge now. Ghana resides and relaxes on them.