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Opinions of Friday, 4 February 2011

Columnist: Adjei, Eunice Achiaa

Good and Healthy Life, A priority for the New Year.

The year 2010 just died off and now a new age has come. Many people have made or are making their New Year resolutions, but how many of these will be as important as having plans to have a good life?

There are many people who have the desire to live a good life and really make the most of the time available to them. There may be others who do not care about life at all let alone thinking of a good one.
What then comes to mind is what “Good life” is? The Word I defines good life as a life of good emotions and satisfaction. It includes things such as a good occupation (in terms of pleasure, and salary), good hobbies, good family and friends, and general comfort. But all around the world, people have different views on good life.

Views gathered from people include “Having Fun”, eating good and exercising, others also defines her goodlife as enjoying the pleasures of life like good work, and having children. Someone also defined his as enjoying music especially on Sundays. We all have ideas as to how we want to live good lives and have factored them into our New Year resolutions.

Every year, we make New Year resolutions, pray over and make sure they are accomplished. The year 2011 has just started and I’m sure you have listed your resolutions ahead of the days and months in the year. You would want to get a better job, reach greater height in the business you are doing, have time for your family, continue your education , get married, have kids, build a house and so on.
I want to know if you have thought of your health as part of your New Year Resolution. A healthy and active body is a prime necessity when it comes to a good life. It is rightly said that health is wealth. Wealth is of no use if the health is not good. Without good health nothing can be achieved. Health includes proper appetite, proper digestion and a good physical appearance as well as preventing and protecting oneself from diseases. A healthy person can work, stay active and effectively perform regular activities such as job, driving, travelling and getting good entertainment whereas, a sick person on the other hand cannot enjoy life and will be seeking medical assistance and medication for relief from ailments or sicknesses.
We don't have to do much in order to live a healthy life; just small changes in our day to day life style can do wonders to boost our health. Here are some healthy living tips that can help you live a healthier life. We always have to eat good foods, exercise a lot, keep surroundings clean, seek proper medical check ups, get sufficient rest and the most important one of all, preventing minor diseases.

We can have all the riches, fun, achievements, etc in 2011 and the years ahead but without good health it will be a waste. What happens to you when your child, pregnant woman or even a family member dies of malaria, Tuberclosis, AIDS, cholera, or any disease we could have prevented? Can you then value the achievement, fun and riches you prioritized in 2011?
If you have to make a resolution, make it a realistic one, and one which will be of benefit to you and others around you. Also if changes need to be made in your life, don’t rely on a calendar to motivate you, just do it. Think about your health first before anything.
“My New Year’s resolution is not just to enjoy life but a good and healthy life so that I can enjoy the blessings that God has for me in 2011.Remember to live a good life.

Eunice Achiaa Adjei.
National Malaria Control Programme