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Opinions of Monday, 29 December 2014

Columnist: Boakye-Baafi, Williams

Goodwill Message from Association of Catholic Teachers

The Association of Catholic Teachers (ACT), Kumasi Province wishes all teachers, particularly the members; the most excellent of this festive occasion as we bring this year to an end and also welcomes the year 2015.
We are all aware that the year 2014 has not been easy for teachers in the country. The year was associated with several ups and downs, trials and tribulations, successes and failures, challenges and opportunities, twists and turns, disappointments and promotions in all facets of our teaching profession, nevertheless, the Lord our Teacher has been good to us.
With this we have the right to celebrate with fullness of joy and happiness what the good Lord has done for us but the celebration should be done with care. Ghana needs all of us alive and the very least we could do is to ensure that we eschew actions that might jeopardize our lives and profession.
Let us use this season to reflect on the past years, learn lessons and draw the necessary inspirations where it matters. In other words, we should celebrate with care and use this season to soberly reflect on the contributions we can make in ensuring that teaching profession becomes one of the attractive professions in the country. The year 2015 promises to be more fascinating than ever and we pray that the Almighty God continues to protect us through His bountiful blessings and incalculable favours.
The leadership of ACT wishes to appeal to the politicians to allow the authorities in Ghana Education Service to work with free hand so as to move the nation’s education forward because the frequent interference of politicians in the activities of Ghana Education Service has been seen as one of the major setbacks in the service.
The association would be very happy if the educational partnership between the religious bodies and the government is finalized in 2015 to end the strong misunderstanding between the directors of education and authorities of the religious bodies in terms of postings, transfers, supervision and monitoring of teachers and schools.
We encourage teachers to be more committed and dedicated to duty in 2015 than what we did in 2014. The association would be glad if officials in the service would also show some kind of respect to teachers because showing respect to a worker is seen as one of the effective source of motivation to every worker.
ACT wishes to assure students and pupils at large that Catholic Teachers are ready to give out their best in the coming year, and would love that students particularly all final year students in the country, take their studies seriously so as to come out successfully.
We further wish to assure our Bishops, Association of Catholic Heads of Higher Institutions (ACHHI), Catholic Arch / Diocesan Coordinators / Directors of Education, Regional and Local Managers of Catholic Schools, that ACT is going to work hand in hand with them better than ever before to ensure that students in our schools will get the kind of quality education they should get and also champion the Catholic Education in the Province.
ACT pleads with all Ghanaians to use this opportunity to pray for our country and all Ghanaian teachers. We appreciate your support and cooperation.
Long Live Ghana
Long Live the Catholic Church
Long live the Ghanaian Teacher
Long Live ACT
ACT! Now
Signed By
Bro. Bismark Antwi Donkor Bro. Williams Boakye-Baafi Bro. Eric Kyei
(Provincial Secretary) (Provincial Coordinator) (Provincial Chairman)
Mobile: 0203893092 0208825287 0244133693