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Opinions of Monday, 24 October 2011

Columnist: Sayibu, Akilu

Government Must Show More Commitment To End Doctors Strike

The government of president Mills must move away from putting measures in place to contain the current strike being embarked upon by medical doctors in the country to finding sincere and lasting solution to the problem to enable the doctors’ return to the hospital wards to save lives.

This sentiment was expressed by the NPP parliamentary candidate for the Tamale North constituency Mr. Akilu Sayibu in an interview on a morning show programme on North Star FM in Tamale.

According to Mr. Akilu Sayibu, much us it was wrong for doctors to continue with their strike action whiles lives are being lost, it was also wrong for government to continue to show high insensitivity to the problems of the doctors even though a committed and concern government could have gotten this problem solved within 24hours.

The Tamale North parliamentary candidate argued that, it was wrong for president Mills to have sworn an oath to protect and defend Ghana and Ghanaians, but is currently looking on helplessly whilst Ghanaians were dying as a result of an avoidable strike action by medical doctors.

Ghana under president Mills is fast becoming “Strikes republic” as a result of the menace of strikes that has hit the country in recent times. Mr. Akilu Sayibu used the platform to appeal to the striking doctors to go back to the needles and syringes saying: “Go back for the sake of mankind and humanity”

On the ousting and killing of ex-Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi, Mr. Akilu Sayibu said that: “What occurred in Libya is a signal that, the world was fast moving to democratic rule as against entrenched military rules and advise governments to know when to go without resistance when it becomes clear their people wants change”