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Opinions of Monday, 22 July 2019

Columnist: Charles MacCarthy

Government appointees negating good works of President Akufo-Addo

President Akufo-Addo President Akufo-Addo

Vibrant youths of the great New Patriotic Party(NPP) do not have short memories as some appointees of government, especially MMDCES will think.

In fact, our young patriots still remember how they toiled to get our party to the level it is today.

Make no mistake about it. NPP youths are not cowards, just that they respect the law because the party and its leader, who is the president, epitomizes democracy and the rule of law. Clothed with this credit, some government appointees have misinterpreted that to be the weakness of our youths.

Looking at how things are unfolding now, it is about time the youths of the party did what is needful. Within these two and half years that the party had been in power, major developments have taken place in every sector of the economy. But the behaviour of these government appointees had overshadowed most of these achievements, hence giving our political opponents the temerity to throw bad political missiles at our great elephant party.

The records and achievements of this administration led by President Nana Akufo Addo is incomparable as far as the management of the economy and developments are concerned. However, the question is why are members of the NPP agitating everywhere?. The answer is simple. Government appointees are not treating party activists fairly at the district level. The hostility is becoming annoying, and the time is up for the youths to use any legal means possible to make sure appointees who have performed abysmally are reshuffled as early as possible.

The posturing of these appointees are in sharp contrast to that of the President who appointed them. The neglect of party footsoldiers by these arrogant, ineffective appointees is alarming.

The understanding should be that the opposition NDC is not a portion of our great party, therefore, it is prudent that the youths rise up against this disturbing situation. The youths should not allow our party to go back to the opposition. Tofiakwa.

Our party is not prepared, and cannot afford to lose the next election in 2020. The people of Ghana will not forgive the NPP if it loses the election because it is the only party which can develop this country and help all citizens.

Our Kukruudu party have men and women with integrity, and for that matter, the youths should not sit down unconcerned for any individual to give our party problems going into next year’s elections.

The solution for this unfortunate situation is that appointees with bad attitudes, and are insensitive, have to be reshuffled as soon as possible before they cause incurable damage to the party.