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Opinions of Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Columnist: Ansobie, Biliguo bie

Government by Magic Spell

Proud am I to claim this version as my own
This government—government by magic spell
From a common brook the electorates ever drunk
A brook perhaps charmed by ones potent sage
To install these potentates of chaos and ruthlessness
To run a government of borrowed loans and oil dough
From Osagyefo to Kuffour combined this debt surpasses all
Just to invest in gargantuan crimes and pursue injustice
In every nook and cranny of the soil

I will neither employ demons nor guns
But to my delight the usual words and biro
To topple the oppressive and corrupt government
Of the Lampo Karachi and half-eared sheep
Supported by their disarray foot soldiers in the wild
Who in daily integrity meditations operate
To attain pseudo-glory and sustain the government

This government is sustained by demons and evil spirits
Whether or not ‘tis interceded for by saints, Wadaads or voodoo men
As the son of man wrestles with dromedaries in its backyard
As the son of man is “sheathed” like sword of Damocles
And very many skulk herein for dreaded secrets and fore plans
To it any saintly ascription seems derogatory and ludicrous
I bet you the last days will soon nullify all the rest
Alas, this one will soon slip into the bottomless ocean!

Notice from cannons and guns ‘twas derived
And jail broke for a coup prisoner to our nation rule
And now ‘tis shattered into yet unsorted fragments
In constant confusing and internal wrangling, bickering and bigotry
Under the armchair Lampo Karachi

From my freedom of speech and conscience I speak
Seeking not to offend a friend or foe
But to convey the truth and inward light.
Sunyani, 17 July, 2012