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Opinions of Thursday, 9 September 2021

Columnist: Hedidor Alexander

Government for the people, Constitutionalism

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

Military Coup is bad especially due to the extrajudicial killings and abuses that normally come with it. I’m totally against it under any circumstances.

However, when the system becomes unfair, frustrating, and corrupt, the masses naturally jubilate and celebrate coup as witnessed in Guinea last Sunday.

You remember or read about the June 4th, 1979 coup in Ghana with the popular chant from the masses ‘Junior Jesus’? ‘Let the blood flow’?

Let's allow the system to work fairly, let allow people to talk and express themselves freely and let us reduce corruption in the officialdom.

When government (past, current, future) and the constitution serve the interest and aspirations of the masses, they will do everything to protect it otherwise they will jubilate when it is removed or overthrown.
By the way, who is advising the President?

Why stager the arrears of 4% salary increment of the masses in 4 tranches but lumping yours together and paid in August? Is that fair?
Even for those saying his arrears were also staggered over some months, then why was he quite over it all this while?

More worrying is why receive your arrears in August and quickly refund it just two days after the coup in Guinea?

Who told the President that he has a salary for 2021? The President and all the article 71 officeholders do not have a tentative salary from January 2021 to date.

Until the President put together an emoluments commission to determine their salaries for 2021 to 2024 they are still being paid on account of what was paid them from 2017 to 2020.

Therefore which 2021 salary arrears was the President refunding? Why not inform us he was refunding part of the chartered private jet for his sky bathing fantasy?

Somebody has misled our President again.