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Opinions of Thursday, 9 July 2020

Columnist: Prince Boateng

Government should not lose coronavirus fight

President  Akufo-Addo President Akufo-Addo

In recent times, we have seen a significant increase in Ghana’s COVID-19 confirmed cases after the easing of some restrictions. The increase in the positive cases has become a major source of worry to all well-meaning Ghanaians and more especially our medical practitioners on our collective effort in fighting this common enemy. It appears to me Ghana has now moved from the solution phase to the crisis stage in the fight against Covid-19.

We started very well and were commended by other international bodies on the pragmatic measures taken to forestall the spread of the virus but unfortunately the typical attitude of the Ghanaian which is complacency has been exhibited in government’s approach to the fight against Covid-19. Individuals are not taking the preventive measures serious and it is very clear that government and for matter Ghanaians are losing the fight.

I personally tour some EC registration centres in Tema as an observer for the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC) on Tuesday, 7th July, 2020 and to my surprise people have gathered to register without face masks and social distancing, despite the effort put in place by the EC to enforce the measures.

In view of the hikes of the covid-19 cases in Ghana,

I. Government should be more focused and go back to the drawing table and come up with more pragmatic steps to control the spread and reduce the covid -19 mortality.

ii. Covid -19 education must be intensified with the involvement of community and opinion leaders.

iii. The security agencies must ensure the enforcement of the law irrespective of the personality and the political party involved.

iv. Both JHS and SHS students currently on campus should be sent back home. GES should adopt a model that can use the continuous assessment to grade JHS students and post them to the secondary schools. Also SHS students should be allowed to write entrance exams at the University of Choice. This is to protect our children from any form of infection. As at today, 7th July, 2020, there has been a reported case of covid-19 on the campus of some SHS, which has put parents in a state of worry.

v. Citizens must be more responsible for their personal health during this period than ever. They should adhere to all the safety protocol to protect themselves, families and community.

vi. Government must listen to the concerns and recommendations of the Ghana Medical Association.

vii. Church leaders should thread cautiously in the attempt of asking the President to increase the number of attendees to church and service duration
The daily rise of the cases must be of greater concern to all discerning Ghanaians especially opinion leaders and interest groups but more especially church leaders. Let us take personal responsibility and collaborate with Government to win this battle.