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Opinions of Saturday, 24 September 2022

Columnist: Asonaba Kwadwo Nomafo

Government to lose revenue as Chinese takes over local position in mining sector

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The government of Ghana is set to lose huge revenue in the mining sector as some Chinese nationals have now taken positions which are meant to be occupied by the Ghanaians , a situation that has raised concerns from workers in these various mining companies including Golden Star Resources, a member of Chifeng Jilong Group of companies in Wassa Akyempim in the Western Region.

The activities of these Chinese nationals have posed massive threat to degradation of our environment as the fight against illegal mining known as Galamsey has become an albatross on our neck whiles mostly Chinese Nationals are known in this act.

But information gathered by indicates some Chinese Nationals in Golden Star Resources have taken over local positions which are meant to be occupied by Ghanaians thereby causing financial loss to the state and since most of their operations in the financial department are known to them the likely falsifying of revenue document against the state comes to bare.

In a document intercepted by this website, the government of Ghana has only 10% shares in this mining company whiles the Chinese owners have 90% shares upon which the Chinese nationals on site keep increasing day by day with a particular quota that was given to the government is still unknown.

The MoU was signed is to ensure a peaceful co-existence between the company and the towns as well as promote mutual benefits of the locals.

Golden Star Wassa Mines which has ten percent government stake started its surface mining operations in 2005 in the Wassa area, followed by underground mining in 2017 until it transitioned into underground-focused mining operation in 2018.

This situation could generate an unprecedented demonstration against company and the government because local content which includes; Human Resources ( HR ), Health, Safety , Environment and Community ( HSEC) departments are all occupied by Chinese Nationals.

“We feel betrayed by company and the government because until the mining company was given the concession , we were used to spearhead the activities of this company when the locals were used to occupy those various departments but now we feel betrayed” Angry staff who spoke to the website on anonymity revealed.

Another shocking revelation gathered also indicates that a Chinese national Denis Li who is occupying the Commercial Department which is a clear illegality came in as a Galamsey operator.

Ghana stands at the verge of having difficult to win investors as Fitch rates the country’s stability to CC which is a clear indication that the government may need Internal Revenue to improve upon the economy .

It is very eminent that the experience at Ghana manganese and bauxite should guide the regulators and other authorities in Ghana in making a quick decision. The place was messed up by the Chinese until the authorities realized that it will not help the economy and that the influx of Chinese had to be controlled. The minerals commission and Ministry of Landa and Natural resources must step in to make sure that the right thing is done to safeguard the local content and save government revenue.