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Opinions of Friday, 13 May 2022

Columnist: Ago Nartey, Contributor

Great Ada needs good mother care

Naana Kabukour Dagojo Domaley I Naana Kabukour Dagojo Domaley I

Are you the queen of Ada? Sometimes, it pays to pretend to be what you are not, for the good or betterment of the people. But when pretence turns out to be a product of self-seeking and unprofitable to the collective interest of the state, it's then an event regarded as a portent of evil or developmental disability. Please, be the queen mother you pretend to be for the good of Ada, so it may gain.

Veritably, it is very pathetic that while some Queen Mothers in some jurisdictions are busy executing their royal mandate by providing wise counselling to their chiefs and elders for developmental purposes, others, by playing politics, are forming vitriolic synergies with the recalcitrant to wreck their own communities. It is also tremendously heartbreaking that while some Queen Mothers are meticulously empowering women for the socio-economic development of their respective societies, others are causing dangerous divisions with party colours to the detriment of the society they claim they love.

The fact is Queen Mothers form an integral part of royal governance and organisation. That is precisely the more reason why some people frantically frown on how some Queen Mothers are sometimes marginalised and given undignified treatment. But again, it is highly disturbing that while some of us are seriously advocating for their rights to be respected, some Queen Mothers are subversively carrying themselves about like aimless ordinary citizens and are very treasonous to their Traditional Councils.

Who are those wolves in sheep's clothing? Could it be that they are customarily or ritually incapacitated, hence, their displaying of unacceptable, disloyal and disloyal mannerisms? Such mutinous behaviour is not good for the Ada Traditional Council.

In the traditional setting of Ada, there are ten clans, namely; Adibiawe, Lomobiawe, Terkperbiawe, Damgbebiawe, Kabiawe Tsu, Kabiawe Yumu, Kabiawe Kponor, Kudzragbe, Korgbor and Ohuewem.

A certain native woman was enstooled the Queen Mother of Kabiawe Yumu, and without an official introduction to the Ada Traditional Council, she flatulently got gazetted as the Paramount Queen Mother of Ada Traditional Area.

My rhetorical questions are: Is that the customary way of installing a Paramount Queen in Ada?

Were the four Okor clans accredited Paramount Kingmakers in the Ada state aware that someone they had not accepted and performed legitimate rights for like they did for the current Paramount Chief Nene Abram Kabu Akuaku III, is parading herself as Paramount Queen?

Has she been to Adibiawe Kwenya like all the Paramount Chiefs did from 1st to the 3rd? Perhaps, that's the obvious reason why her attitude towards her supposed royal colleagues and meetings involving Ada Traditional Council is that of disrespect and disdain.

It is time the Ada Traditional Council began to demonstrate its authority and power over unscrupulous individuals who have no regard for the Council.

Her despicable demeanour towards a meeting where all kinds of issues for the supreme interest and total wellbeing of Ada are discussed clearly supports the fact that she is not of the royalty. For that single reason, the Council has not faulted if it should strip her of her status as a Queen Mother.

In fact, she must be called to order by the Council to conform to its rules and regulations. Her failure to abide by the royal tenets should trigger a distoolment without any reservation. Indeed, the supposed Queen Mother must be called to order before her traitorous actions against Ada Traditional Council are discovered in public.