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Opinions of Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Columnist: Biney, George

Greed -Our Only Disease!

The land was sick with darkness. In the darkness was the LIGHT which was the HEALING SAVIOR. The HEALING SAVIOR manifested in the SON born of the GREEN LADY!

Source – Sakra Scrolls

Greed (adufrupe in Akan) is the state of extreme selfishness, (pesemenkomenya in Akan). Whenever this cancer of greed strikes any system of human endeavor, the definite consequence is destruction. We as a nation therefore should not look far in diagnosing our disorganization. It is simply greed! Our attempts at antidotes have not been successful because many a time, it is the symptoms of the real issue of greed that we attack. One such major symptom of greed is corruption.

Corruption has permeated every facet of our lives, individually and collectively for a long time now. Of course we can never have a perfect corrupt free society, probably except in heaven but the current magnitude is drowning the peace and progress of the nation. Success at the fight against corruption has eluded us because corruption in itself is not the issue but a symptom. The issue is greed. Let us look at two symbolic issues of greed – the current trend in architecture and fashion.

The current trend in architecture and fashion is the reflection of the state of mind of the society at this particular time. A glance at architecture over the years from pre colonial times through to now reveals an interesting relationship between the various designs and the state of mind of the specific periods. A glaring feature of the designs at pre colonial, colonial and early independence era is the absence of WALLS, yes walls! These periods reflected integrated society where wholeness of society was the dominant focus of our people as against individualism.

When the SON conducted the pathology on the dead GIANT LAND, It came to LIGHT that the GIANT LAND was only sleeping. With the POWER of the HEALING, THE SAVIOR AWAKENED THE SLEEPING GIANT Source – Sakra Scroll Communalism (not Communism) was the norm where all belonged to all and all cared for all. Boundaries (walls) were therefore not a feature since society flowed freely. A mammoth example of worldwide magnitude on the issue at hand is the Berlin Wall which symbolized the separation of the world. Its demolishing symbolized commencement globalization – free flow of the world! Back to the local terrain, our pre colonial right up to the early independence era architecture virtually had no walls. And so, for example, such suburbs as Ash-town, Krofofruom, Dichemso, Allah Bar, Buokrom etc all in the Manhyia constituency virtually had no walls. Gates in such communities are wide open for over 18hrs a day! However, it is important to note that the colonialists generally introduced gated communities and gated fence walls which separated the African and the colonial settlements. This introduction of separation with boundaries was nothing but symbolic of the greedy colonialist. Indeed, the very venture of slavery and colonialism was created by inflammatory greed!

This inflammatory greed has infected the very fiber of our society. It is symbolized by HIGH WALLS of our modern architecture with 24/7 locked gates demarcating boundaries. At a glance it may imply security and privacy. However, a critical analysis reveals GREED on both the side of the owner and armed robbers. Whereas in the times of ‘all for all’ anyone could just enter to seek help when in need, our gates today are shut with a deafening silent statement: YOU ARE NOT WELCOME! The armed robbers are also on the other hand entrenched in a bottomless pit of greed such that their only consideration is themselves and damn the world!

Fashion trend of mostly our young women speaks volume. The virtual and implicit nakedness our young ladies is also a symptom of greed and not generosity! Their bodies which are to be cherished both by sight and touch privately by their ‘men only’ are now a public gallery! The singular attention is no more enough! They do not care about the ripple effect of promiscuity so far as their greedy interest is satisfied. The ‘am awares’ is definitely not decent, not morally right and definitely not our culture! A cursory look at the fashionable dresses of ‘am aware’ fame shows they are mainly of imported stock; both ‘first hand’ and ‘second hand’ goods. We have over liberalized our trade to our detriment! Our free gate is destroying our nation! What contribution do we as a nation then expect our local fashion industry to contribute to national economy? Yes, they may be cheaper in direct pricing but the long term consequence of the current trade liberalization policy is more than expensive. It causes the collapse of local industries, unemployment, poverty, frustration, hopelessness, disease and ultimately, death!! This is the result of greed manifesting in government policies.

It is this same greed that has attacked our national and individual morality. The recent drug menace is all being fueled by sheer greed. Otherwise, why would players in the narcotic industry close their eyes to the destruction of consumers for their obscene wealth comfort? It is the madness of greed that has led some corrupt folks to sell the Farmland of Achimota School! The perpetrators of such ruthless crime must and will be brought to justice! We must not tolerate this negative policy of sacrificing the well being of the masses for the sake of a few greedy interests! Both those forcing such negative policies on us and those agreeing are all greedy!!

When the SAVIOR SON opened the script of diagnosis, it revealed the sleeping sickness Was caused by a type of poison known as GREED! Source – Sakra Scrolls

Our disorganization caused by this cancer of greed must be attacked from its roots. Individualism or extreme capitalism will only lead us but to destruction. True, there has been some development under the ‘property owning democrats’. But what percentage of the populace has been positively affected? Indeed the World Bank indexes show the percentage of poor people has increased over the last six years. Our society has simply turned into an oligarchy where a few individuals own and control the wealth of the nation as against the poverty afflicted masses. Culturally, we are a socialist society. This does not mean individual pursuits were not existent. Rather, the energies of the state were and must focus on the betterment of the whole instead of the individual. It is of great interest the papacy has finally declared obscene wealth as a sin!

Greed must be tackled from the moral perspective, legal and educational angles. Morally, we must rely on the family, the religious bodies and the traditional authorities for the war on greed. Legally, parliament must enact laws and policies in the interest of the whole instead of individuals. Law enforcement agencies must also be well resourced and structured to effectively carry out their functions. The educational angles should come through the media and the educational institutions. All these must have a well coordinated approach and treated as urgent national priority. The National Development Planning Commission must be restructured and strengthened to effectively and efficiently deal with national policy and planning issues.

When the SAVIOR asked for the HEALING concoction, the GREEN LADY referred HIM to the GREEN HERBS from the SAKRA FOREST which was a mixture of LOVE OF GOD, LOVE OF NATION and LOVE OF NEIGHBOR!

Source- Sakra Scrolls

Finally, let us all have a renewed commitment towards love of nation, love of neighbor and love of God. This is the only way greed with its consequence of corruption will be brought to its barest minimum if not totally eradicated. God bless us all! Nkunim wo ho mayen!!

george biney