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Opinions of Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Columnist: Keelson, Dennis

Groupe Nduom seeks Results in 2015

The president and Chief Executive Officer of Groupe Nduom, Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom, has urged managers and directors of the various units that make up GN conglomerate to be more results-oriented this year.

At a strategic meeting held at the Coconut Grove Beach Resort at Elmina in the Central Region last week, Dr. Nduom said after being patient for nearly 25 years, it is now time for companies that make up the group to reward stakeholders with profits and a very good balance sheet.

The meeting reviewed results and targets set by the group last year (2014) and the strategies to adopt to achieve this year’s targets. At separate encounter with the GN Board, managers of the companies explained their challenges in 2014 and how they intend overcoming these challenges this year.

“We must achieve and exceed our target to serve one million active customers. We will build an integrated customer data base to make it easier for us to service their needs,” Dr. Nduom told the managers..

The five-day Strategic Session, which had the theme: We Serve Our Customers with Enthusiasm, Innovation and Discipline-And for the Company, We Serve with Loyalty, ended Sunday, January 18th, 2015. Some 450 top management members and directors attended the five-day meeting.

Dr. Nduom disclosed that after building rather silently the business foundation of the group and having found its place in the market, it is now “time to seek dominance and be rewarded, recognized and be known for what we have become.”

Dr. Nduom noted that as a disciplined family of companies with a passion for customer service excellence, it is time to “trumpet our brands on billboards, television, radio, newspapers, social media and everywhere we find ourselves.”

Groupe Nduom has on offer this year an integrated suite of financial products and services. They include banking, pension, investment banking, private equity, venture capital and insurance. The group’s financial ship is expected to go beyond Togo, Liberia and the USA to the United Kingdom, the Caribbean, Cote d’Ivoire, Benin and Zimbabwe.

The group’s Industrial Estate in Elmina is expected to produce food containers and related products and offer printing services to meet all needs. It will also build infrastructure to distribute essential commodities in the Central and Western Regions.

Groupe Nduom will assemble decoders and television in Elmina and operate a more effective, credible media organization with the re-launch of Today Newspaper as one of the biggest calendar event of the group’s media activities this year.

The group will complete its radio network with stations in all ten regions and staff them with human talents the market will recognize and welcome.