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Opinions of Monday, 27 May 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Guilty Verdict is Ominously Staring Woyome in the Eyes

? ? The battle to bring Alfred Agbesi Woyome to book is now almost complete. I had many a time warned him that he can run but he cannot hide. The recent developments lend credence to all that I have been saying about him. I am about to stand vindicated. ?

Before proceeding any further, let me please pause to thank the Almighty God for granting certain people intelligence, wisdom and boldness to take on Alfred Agbesi Woyome. Without the protection of God, those people would have not been able to persistently hold Mr Woyome to account against all odds of collusive governmental protection. The people are Hon. Kennedy Agyapong who first exposed Woyome's nefarious deal, then Brother Martin Amidu who has singlehandedly vowed to ensure Woyome does not abscond with the money so dubiously obtained but refunds it to the State. At the heels of the mentioned daring patriots are Akrasi Sarpong, Rockson Adofo and numerous others. May God richly bless all those that have been trying in various ways, (through prayers, publicly expressing their views - in writing and on air etc) to compel the authorities to retrieve the money from that Ghanaian swindler of the century.

? From a publication read on under their General News of Thursday, 23 May 2013 titled, "Woyome appalled by Consar and Michelletti claims", one can just hope that the noose is tightening around the neck of Mr. Alfred Agbesi Woyome. An excerpt from the publication - "Alfred Agbesi Woyome says he is shocked and appalled by reports that representatives of two companies involved in the construction of the CAN 2008 stadia have denied knowing him. Reports on Monday indicated that the Managing Directors of Consar Limited and Michelletti Company Limited revealed at the Judgment Debt Commission sitting that they never dealt with Alfred Woyome as an official of Waterville".

? Going further back to a publication on the same website under the General News of Tuesday, 21 May 2013 titled, "We don't know Woyome - Consar Ltd", one can just conclude that Woyome is not farther away from the Nsawam Maximum Security prisons and with the possibility of retrieving the swindled money from him. In the said publication, one can read, "The Managing Directors of Consar Limited and Michelletti Company limited revealed at the Judgement Debt Commission sitting on Tuesday that they never dealt with Alfred Woyome in any official capacity as a representative of Waterville".

? In order not to dwell needlessly on this issue as everything is self-explanatory, we shall only hope that Alfred Agbesi Woyome mentions the names of all those involved in that Ghanaian version of the Nigerian "419" scam. In Ghana, the NDC government has fine-tuned the scam. It calls it "Judgment Debt Payment". In course of time, we shall get to know why the then Attorney General, Mrs Betty Mould-Iddrisu, facilitated it for Woyome to fraudulently obtain that whopping GHC51.2 Million.

? Alfred Agbesi Woyome will surely not suffer alone now that there are no more avenues for help and cover-up by his accomplices. He had just better mention their names and tells how they planned or connived with him to rob Ghana in a broad daylight. Surely, many are those that have started fretting against the backdrop that Woyome will reveal their identities and the roles they played in the fraudulent deal to the public. It is their own cup of tea, who cares?

? In God we trust.

? Rockson Adofo