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Opinions of Friday, 7 June 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Hail Mahama, the Messiah of End Time - Rawlings

Hail President Mahama, the Messiah of End Time - says Rawlings

Former President Jerry John Rawlings, also known in traditional life as Togbe Avaklasu, is a self-appointed nation/town crier. He has gone his own way, kowtowing to President John Dramani Mahama. He is showering praises on him, heralding him as the God-send Messiah come to liberate Ghanaians from their excruciating, although self-inflicted economic hardships, financial constraints and utter lawlessness.

The altruist Rawlings classifies Former President J. A. Kufuor and the Late President J. E. A. Mills as complete failures. They presided over the socio-economic downturn of Ghana, he alleges. He claims both mentioned former Presidents of the Republic of Ghana reversed the economic gains he had chalked during his nineteen solid years of dictatorial military/civilian rule. Does one not wonder if Rawlings is in his right frame of mind? How can he claim that President John Dramani Mahama, as clueless and stinking corrupt as he is, is a Messiah sent in time to alleviate Ghanaians of their self-inflicted worrisome hardships? Is Rawlings serious at all or he is just being sarcastic?

If people dare ask for my opinion, I would rather say President Mahama is an albatross, a curse of course, brought upon Ghanaians to torment us for going against the will of GOD. God had ordained Nana Akufo Addo, a man of principles, vision, dynamism and determination to be the President of the Republic of Ghana to uplift Ghanaians from their current downtrodden, hopeless and dejected state. However, certain mischievous persons of whom Dr Kwadwo Afari Gyan is the leader collusively plotted to derail the good intentions God has for Ghanaians.

As man proposes but God disposes, God is turning the evil plans by Dr Afari Gyan and his cohorts around to glorify Himself and His name hence, the ongoing Supreme Court case on Election 2012. The case will see the reversal of the election results that saw candidate John Dramani Mahama declared the president-elect and subsequently sworn in as the president of Ghana.

Sorry, I nearly deviated from the topic. If John Mahama is a Messiah with Rawlings aimlessly going before him preaching his good tidings, why are all the manifold problems Ghanaians are witnessing under his rule on daily basis? All the big markets in the country are burning. Armed robbery is on the ascendancy. Selective justice is the order of the day. Embezzlement of funds by those in governments and within the political party in which the President belongs is prevalent in the country. What is the Messiah doing to arrest all these mentioned although few, of the problems confronting the nation?

I think Rawlings was drunk or he was daydreaming when he said that John Mahama is a Messiah come to get Ghana out of the umpteen problems confronting her.

A Ghanaian friend has just whispered into my ear that Rawlings is scared of President Mahama hence the ironic praises he is heaping on him. If he talks ill of him, President Mahama will not hesitate ordering the BNI operatives to nab him. He will put him on trial for the atrocities he visited on Ghanaians during his reign of terror. Moreover, President Mahama's gargantuan corruption and other obnoxious acts pale away when compared to those by Rawlings. No wonder therefore that Former President Rawlings sees President Mahama as a Messiah.

President Mahama is never a Messiah as purported by Rawlings. He is just a clueless puppet never cut to be a President but finds himself there by default (the death of President Mills and the rigging of election 2012 in his favour). If he was, why does he not know how to commence solving the nation's problems, oh President "Ede bii keke?"

I reserve my opinions about Rawlings until I start discussing the role he played to render many an Akan rich man poor, many a child an orphan. These will be immensely highlighted in the articles I shall shortly be publishing about assisting the children of the Late B.A. Mensah, my Kumawu compatriot, to retrieve their late father's assets confiscated by the State under the auspices of Jerry John Rawlings.

Rockson Adofo