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Opinions of Thursday, 4 June 2009

Columnist: Amenga-Etego, SaCut

Hanky-Panky Of dis-honorable Kennedy Agyapong

Has any one noticed the unusual dead silence of the super vociferous MP for Assin North, dis-honorable Kennedy Agyapong? Has any one noticed that when the rapture called in Dec 2008, many have been afraid to account because they did not plan for accountability so soon. It’s a pity how many people who were in a position of trust just a couple months ago would go hiding about just because the rapture has called and they have to account for their stewardship. No body should suggest to me that politicians are unaware of this eminent faith they face.

In their attempt to show courage and cleanliness after leaving office, many NPP past functionaries spoke with crude arrogance about accounting to the new Boss in town, and to Ghanaians. Some of them chose to concentrate on relieving the state, and indeed, the rest of us of as much property as they could amass. The vehicles were their favorite booty. Some chose to hide theirs on remote farms. Others preferred the underground garages in their country homes. As for those who wanted to keep driving about comfortably in their cars had the DVLA working 24/7 just so that they appropriate state property.

A few interceptions of some of these vehicles were enough for the NPP to cry wolf. They claimed that they were being harassed unduly by the NDC government. They even claimed that the vehicles were trivial. Yes indeed, they are trivial offences compared to what is being uncovered by the National security apparatus. According to our sources, there are so many people who will have to account to us according to the rule of law in Ghana. Is it surprising that many of these guys are becoming humble without prompting from any one? Did any one hear Kojo Mpiani the former chief of staff the other day on joy fm? He was literally trembling on the phone. In fact he even caught a cold, and claimed he was attending a `series of funerals` in his village where he has been hiding and consulting his lesser gods who probably deceived him that they could save him on Judgment day.

Do not worry about Maxwell Kofi Dwumah of Asokwa who is the latest of the perishing elephant fraternity to package his fear of accountability into an empty threat to the NDC government to dare touch him or his property. He even claimed to have information about the president capable of helping him fight against the call for accountability--but information that could not aid him and the NPP to retain power last December. Trust me; he is just blowing hot air. It is actually fear. To make him feel better, he demonstrates it in the form of show of courage. That is for his supporters only. From where I stand, I tell you this man will get as humble, if not more humble than his former Boss Mpiani. His enemies are already `informing pon him`. They knew him when he first came from abroad. They know him now that he was in government for just a few years. They will testify his downfall.

Kennedy Agyapong gave the first signal to us that he was unprepared for accountability when the rapture first called. He missed out on parliament the first couple weeks. He was not even sworn in with everyone else. There was no reasonable explanation for that demonstration of unprepared ness for his job as a legislator. Since then, the man has lost his once untamed tongue. He has been reported to be out of parliamentary proceedings most of the times. There are even reports that he is almost abandoning his parliamentary duties. What exactly accounts for this sudden confused behavior of the NPP Big man is yet unknown to the public? As for me, I won’t wait for any Ananse story from any one. I will tell you that the man who is described as super rich--owning a chain of media houses and other businesses--but whose wealth is only traceable to a job with the US immigration service several years ago--is confused as he has to suddenly determine a way of properly legitimizing all the property acquired during their property owning reign. It is difficult to figure out so fast. I pity him. And I love accountability when it calls.

Anyways, at the end of the day, it is hoped that prez Mills unlike J .A Kuffour would not have to wait for someone else to come and call his functionaries to account to the people of Ghana.

I remain on the side of accountability.

Amenga-Etego SaCut (National secretary) Youth for Leadership in Ghana