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Opinions of Friday, 6 April 2012

Columnist: Adofo

Happy Easter to Papa J and Nana Akuffo-Addo

I wish Former Presidents J.J. Rawlings and John Agyekum Kufour and their families a Happy Easter. Much the same way do I extend the Easter seasonal greetings to President-to-be, Nana Akuffo-Addo and his running mate Dr. Bawumia.

The truth hurts but in the end it brings comfort. Former President Rawlings has been exposing the existential rot within the NDC with zeal. Subsequently, the NDC have come to hate him with passion. They have mounted a fastidious propaganda directed at tarnishing his reputation through needless bashings. All those corrupt entities within the NDC desirous to continue with the perpetration of corruption and crime are frenetically insulting Rawlings. A classical one is Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, popularly known as General Mosquito, the General Secretary for NDC. Truly, empty vessels make most noise. Asiedu Nketiah, whose motoring mouth compensates his ugly physique, never ceases to cause Rawlings sleepless nights through dastardly insinuations.

President Mills should note that, "Mankind naturally and generally love to be flattered: Whatever sooths our Pride, and tends to exalt our Species above the rest of the Creation, we are pleased with and easily believe, when ungrateful Truths shall be with the utmost Indignation rejected". In furtherance of the above, those seen as your enemies are realistically your friends because they show you your faults.

The executed former Head of State, General I.K. Acheampong of blessed memory, used to send out his friends to find out how people thought about his governance. They came back telling him all is well and that people are happy with your government whereas the opposite was actually the expression on the ground. If they had told him the truth, Acheampong would have done as people expected of him and may be walking the surface of the earth today. His friends lied to him and that cost him his precious life. When the going had become too tough for Ghanaians economically, the AFRC took over political power in Ghana. They blamed Acheampong for the then prevailing economic mess, tied him to a stake, and shot him dead at the Labadi Firing Range. Finally, to President Mills I say, "A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends. ... At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not cease to be insipid" A word to the wise is sufficient.

For evil to triumph is for good people to sit down doing nothing. In this wise, I shall encourage the good people of Ghana to support Rawlings in his endeavour to pump sense into the obstinate brains of the NDC.

A year by this time, Nana Akuffo-Addo Dankwah will be the President of the Republic of Ghana no matter how President Mills and the NDC try to rig the upcoming elections.

More grease to the elbows of the Rawlingses for denouncing the NDC that is heavily pregnant with CORRUPTION.

Rockson Adofo