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Opinions of Thursday, 9 February 2017

Columnist: Yeboah, Gordon

Has Akufo-Addo abandoned rewarding loyalty?

President Nana Akufo-Addo President Nana Akufo-Addo

By Gordon Yeboah

The news doing rounds that Delese Mimi Darko has been appointed by president Akufo-Addo as the new CEO of the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) did not only shock me but left me completely scandalized. I'm not in anyway doubting Mimi Darko's competence. however, when loyalty, commitment and dedication to the cause of the NPP is not rewarded then doom awaits the party soon!

Let me be blunt. Mimi Darko is not only an NDC lackey but she also their handbag and there is incontrovertible ev idence to back this. This makes me wonder if the leadership of the party were consulted about her appointment. Any attempt by nana Akufo -Addo to cement her appointment will not only spell doom for the rank and file of the party NPP but will also demoralize the grassroots support as well.

There are a lot of men and women in the party who are more qualified than Mimi Darko. Dr. Abdul Rauf the current Ashanti regional vice chairman of the NPP, for instance, is better qualified in terms of education and experience and by far the better person to head the FDA. He has a Ph.D. in clinical pharmacology and has many years both as a practicing pharmacist and a lecturer at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology.

Since 1996 Doc has always been active in the trenches campaigning for the party and at many times victimized by our Opponents all because of his love for the party and sidelining him would be a bad precedent especially for the youth of the party.

Besides, folks like Adomako Baafi, Hopson Adorye, Richard Nyamah, Sir John Ken Kuranchie, Abu Ramadan shouldn't be sidelined. The mistakes of the erstwhile Kufour administration where NDC members posing as NPP members got juicy appointments at the expense of true party folks. This phenomenon should not repeat itself. I'm therefore appealing to His excellency Nana Akufo Addo to shine his eyes and reward loyalty, commitment, and dedication !!!!
# Ghana Will Work Again#

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