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Opinions of Sunday, 10 November 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Has Atuguba Done a Runner?

? No sooner had Supreme Court Justice William Atuguba pronounced the most erroneous or travestied Court judgment of the century than he went into hiding. A few days later, he sneaked to Kotoka airport, Accra, to enplane to the United States. ? My questions to him, wherever he is, are very simple. Have you done a runner into self-exile in the US, Mr Atuguba? Why did you escape from Ghana? Were you not the one who accused Kwadwo Owusu Afriyie aka Sir John of having a US visa already in his passport and that he could return to the US in an unfortunate event of upheaval in Ghana following the declaration of the then impending Supreme Court verdict on Election 2012? Why was it then you, that secretly sprinted to the airport to fly overseas after declaring the flawed Court judgment of the Century? ? Has Atuguba seen how he cannot run away from the truth and God? Do the events leading up to the sacking of Victoria Hammah, the Deputy Communications Minister in the Mahama NDC-led government ring a bell? Does Atuguba know that it has been revealed on recorded tape that he had secret meetings with the respondents in the case prior to declaring his shameful verdict on Election 2012 in their favour? ? The truth will out, so an adage goes. Walls have ears. What Atuguba and his shameless other four Supreme Court Justices, Adinyirah, Baffoe-Bonnie, Akoto-Bamfo and Sulley Gbagdegbe did behind doors is being exposed in public for all to see and hear. It is only a matter of time for any hidden truth about the verdict delivered by the above mentioned judges to be exposed in a broad daylight to mar their reputation forever and ever. Amen. ? Why would macho man Atuguba run to the US after the verdict? I have heard that an old man as he is, he still fears for his wretched life. He does not want to die but expects the younger ones who have no access to passports let alone, foreign visas, to stay behind to die if a civil war had ensued after his mischievous verdict. ? The evil man escapes without being chased. This is for your information, oh, Justice Atuguba. You have escaped the anger of the people but you can never escape God’s wrath and justice. You will surely reap the fruits of the poisonous seed that you have sown in Ghana even before Election 2016. ? By the way does Atuguba really understand Ghana’s 1992 Constitution and the Electoral laws as contained in the Constitutional Instrument (CI) 75 that formed the basis of Election 2012? ? ? Please Atuguba, go back to Ghana to answer for your crimes of being biased during the Court proceedings that were telecast live. You are alleged by Victoria Hammah to have had consultations with Tony Lithur, the Lead Counsel for John Mahama during the Court case. Who trained you as a judge to be holding secret briefing meetings with one party in a litigation case? Are you not corrupt if you did that? What a disgrace. If you have any queries, please address them to Victoria Hammah. What she has said is just the tip of the iceberg. ? Do good to stay in your own country than to do bad to do a runner, as aged as you are. Would you be able to summon anyone before you to be charged with contempt of Court, to treat the person harshly as done to Sir John? I hope not, as disgraced a judge as you are? ? "Okra! Mmiao. Bra fie. Mentumi mma. Aden? Efirise mmawia nnam enti mani awu" (Cat! Meow. Come home. I can’t. Why not? Because I am ashamed for I have stolen some meat). Could it not be a similar situation Atuguba will be mocked of should he keep hanging around in the US or keeps hiding in Ghana if he is back from his unplanned escape or trip to the US? ? I dedicate this article to the driver of Victoria Hammah. More grease to the elbows of that gentleman for recording her to expose the much talked about gargantuan corruption in Ghana being perpetrated by Mahama and his brigade of the Ghanaian version of the Arabian "Ali Baba and his forty thieves". ? Rockson Adofo