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Opinions of Friday, 10 August 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Has the Death of t Mills nipped NDP in the Bud?

Has the Death of President Mills nipped the National Democratic Party (NDP) in the Bud?

Of late, we are hearing nothing about the National Democratic Party (NDP), the supposed newly formed party by the Rawlingses. Even though none of the Rawlingses had come out openly to associate or deny association with the party, rumours had it that either both or one of them is the party's founder. Why has the supposed founder not yet come out to certify the truth, or declare the falsity, of the rumour to spare Ghanaians of needless speculations?

I should think the former First Lady, Mrs Nana Agyemang Konadu Rawlings has something to do with the party. She was probably bidding her time pending any out of the blue announcement by then President Mills not to contest the upcoming December 7, 2012 elections. She was very hopeful the gradual but progressive failing health of the late President Mills would compel him to come out with something reasonable, that is, resigning as the flag bearer of the NDC party. In any such event and without the party having enough time to attend a party's Congress to nominate a new candidate, she would have become the automatic flag bearer to contest the December 7, 2012 presidential elections on the ticket of the NDC. This was the rumoured possibility as per a purported clause enshrined in the NDC party constitution.

However, things turned out far worse than was probably anticipated by Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings if indeed she was waiting the sudden throwing in of the towel by President Mills. President Mills rather forcibly succumbed to the will of that dreadful mighty monster called Death. Mr Death laid his icy hand on him. He bundled him into his palanquin to take him to the land of "No Return" - the land of all departed souls including our ancestors.

On the unfortunate death of the late President John Evans Atta Mills whose body the State will lay in State today, Wednesday 8th August 2012 to Friday 10th August 2012, something contrary to expectation happened. That lanky emaciated General Secretary of the NDC, Mr Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, an avid hater of the Rawlingses, shattered any entertained hopes by Nana Agyemang Konadu Rawlings. Sooner had President Mills passed than he came out to announce there is nothing like automatic succession to the post of flag bearer by whoever last contested with the demised or resigned flag bearer in the event of the party failing to attend party Congress to elect a new flag bearer? Subsequently, the National Executive Council (NEC) of the NDC hurriedly met, appointed and announced the newly "Monkey de work Baboon de chop" President John Dramani Mahama as their party's leader and flag bearer to contest election December 7, 2012. They will simply rubber stamp his selection at the party's Congress scheduled for September 1, 2012.

They will not conduct any Congressional primaries to select or elect a replacement flag bearer but simply meet to endorse his appointment. I do not know much about the NDC party's Constitution and so will like to stay away from passing comments. I leave it to people like Ernest Owusu Bempah to tell whether this approach is in conformity with the NDC's internal policies or party Constitution.

The passing of President Mills has completely shattered the dreams of the proponents of the NDP. Has the death of President Mills then nipped the supposed NDP in the bud? I hope so. Why then all the energy so expended on forming, attempting to register and vociferously defending the course of the would-have-been National Democratic Party (NDP) by the Rawlingses who Asiedu Nketiah and others have chased out of the NDC?

Please do tune in to Sources radio UK, FM 96.30 for intelligent political discourse, everyday, and every time.

I once again extend my heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family of the Late President Mills. I pray God keeps him in His bosom.

Rockson Adofo