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Opinions of Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Columnist: Poku, Kojo

Have Ghanaians gone completely mad?

  • Our Misplaced Priorities: We spend $41 million for a presidential palace, $20 million for Ghana@50 celebrations, $15 million on government official travels abroad annually; 36 Billion cedis on 'Front Journalists & Friends'. Meanwhile, we beg for aid and live in darkness. No wonder we are HIPC (Having Indiscriminate Power Cuts)

  • Our Total Dependence: Our president displayed our chronic dependence on our independence day by putting on a suit. To all those who are criticizing him, I say “shut up”. Kufuor did the right thing by insinuating the TRUE state of our nation: The Dependent State of Ghana

  • Our “Zero Tolerance for Corruption”: Two justice systems are operating in Ghana today; NPP members face CHRAJ (Anane) or not even prosecuted (Alhaji Bamba, Edumadze, etc), while others (Malam Issah, Dan Abodakpi, Peprah, Selormey, Tskikata) face the courts. If CHRAJ rules against the NPP member, he’s sent before a card-holding NPP judge to review the case. We now know how to stay out of jail

  • Our “insane” Dependence: The Nigerian power company, NEPA PLC, is so unreliable Nigerians refer to the acronym as: Never Expect Power Always, Please Light a Candle. Meanwhile, the same Nigeria has agreed to supply 80 megawatts of electricity to Ghana as part of a deal to help Ghana address its current energy crisis. Long Live the candle!.

  • Our Begging Syndrome: Millennium Challenge Corporation releases first tranche of $50m as part of the 547 million grant over 5-years and the government of the day beats her chest…. Big Deal! This is the money spent on Iraq in a day.

  • Our ‘Clean’ Government: While some of us gaze at the wealth of some ministers and think that's a sign things are, you know, corrupt, president Kufuor has a different view of things. Fair enough. Mr. President, since you are so clean can you tell us your salary, allowances and per diem, so we can calculate what you can an cannot afford?

  • Our Cry for Success: Like the European Union chairmanship, the AU chairmanship is rotated among the heads of states. So what’s the fuss about Kufuor's election as Chairman of the AU that 100s of Ghanaians were basked with state resources to the airport to meet him? Are we so starved of success a simple nomination should be celebrated?

  • Our (un)Just System: A farmer was jailed 10 years by a Tarkwa Circuit court for stealing 15 million cedis. Abodakpi, former Minister of Trade and Industry in the National Democratic Congress Administration got 10 years' imprisonment for stealing $2.5 million. Two Britons are freed for smuggling cocaine. Why don’t we simply appoint the likes of Kofi Wayo as judges… at least we will not have cause to complain about such indescrapancies in our judiciary system.

  • Our “Heroes”: ‘Sir’ Sam Jonah has refuted suggestions that he sold out Ashanti Goldfields Company to foreign interests and subsequently abandoned it, thereby handing the country a raw deal. Our heroes sell our crown jewels while their kids sell the white powder.

  • Our “mathematical” ministers: Osei Bonsu Amoah, Deputy Minister of Education, Science and Sports told the GNA Sports that the country will explore tourism opportunities for CAN 2008 which is expected to pull over a BILLION visitors to the country. Now you tell me if this man even deserves to be a JSS one school teacher, let alone a minister

  • Our ‘Golden Age of Business”: Ghana Airways-Dead, Juapong Textiles-Dead, Bonsa Tyre Factory –Dead, Ayensu Starch Factory –Dying, PSI for Oil Palm-In a Coma, Pwalugu Tomato Factory-Sick, VRA-On Life Support. Cocaine Trade- Alive and in very good spirit
Meanwhile, we rather prefer to call Kofi Wayo crazy for spilling out the obvious:

“Majority of Ghanaians have no water, they are dying, there is no electricity so what is the priority of an intelligent leader? Ninety percent of the children die from water borne diseases, so why can’t they make water their priority? But their priorities are fancy cars, they are buying jaguars luxury Mercedes and no water."

Now tell me who is crazy?

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