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Opinions of Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Have Ghanaians so soon Forgotten Woyome?

Have Ghanaians so soon Forgotten about the Gargantuan money paid to Mr. Woyome?

Have Ghanaians forgotten so soon the gargantuan money the NDC government dubiously paid to Alfred Agbesi Woyome? I hear nobody is mentioning it anymore. Does it therefore mean we have allowed Woyome and the NDC to keep the money?

The NDC government and party are complete rogues with insatiable appetite for embezzlement. It is too clear how corrupt the NDC are. If it was in any of the Western countries, nobody would dare bet a penny in favour of the NDC winning the election. The NDC would lose totally just for conniving with Alfred Agbesi Woyome to swindle Ghana out of GHC51 Million. Nevertheless, in Ghana, where many people are not politically mature enough to follow issues but tribalism and propaganda, the NDC still think to have the chance of winning the election.

I appeal to all sensible Ghanaians not to vote for NDC. One of the most corrupt babies with sharp teeth (Okudzeto Ablakwah) in the NDC claims NPP looted Ghana for eight years. I wonder how this baby with Dracula Vampire fangs became a Deputy Minister. This guy is as senseless as he is corrupt. The NPP looted Ghana for eight years so they the NDC, must be permitted to continue with their looting spree. Is it? Let the NDC know that their almost four years looting surpasses the entire looting taken place from Dr. Nkrumah’s time until the end of Kufour-led NPP government.

I have heard how the NDC are working on the minds of Ghanaians to offer them sympathy vote following the death of President Mills. It is only a fool that will vote the NDC to continue with their looting because they want to do the late President Mills a favour. What favour and what is it for? Doing the dead a favour at the expense of your well-being? I know for sure the late President Mills is turning in his grave when he hears the living wanting to do him a favour by maintaining the corrupt NDC government. Why was he going to investigate the then Vice President Mahama if he did support his shady deals? Never be fooled by President Mahama. He is not competent and honest enough to rule Ghana. He is as equally corrupt as most of the NDC people in government.

Ghanaians, you will be doomed if you do vote for John Mahama and the NDC. They have no vision but big mouth to tell lies, and long arms to steal from the Consolidated fund through people like Alfred Agbesi Woyome.

NPP, please do not be complacent. Go to wherever the votes are to chase them. Let us go to all the nooks and crannies to retrieve the votes as much as we can.  The NPP MUST assign their bigwigs to different regions to assist the NPP faithful there to campaign to win the election for Nana Akuffo-Addo and the NPP. Vice Presidential candidate Dr Mahamadu Bawumia can concentrate on say, the Northern regions, Professor Frimpong Boateng on Western region, Dr Kofi Konadu Apraku on Ashanti Region, former President Kufuor on Brong-Ahafo, Mr. Osarfo Marfo on Eastern, Kennedy Agyapong on Central region, Dr Nyaho-Nyaho Tamaklo on Volta, Titus-Glover on Accra, etc. There must be a strategy in place. These bigwigs will be campaigning alongside the NPP parliamentary candidates and party faithful in the regions they have been assigned to.

I call on all teachers, nurses, medical doctors, students, farmers, public servants and all logically-thinking Ghanaians to vote for Nana Akuffo-Addo and the NPP. It is time we changed the NDC because they are not only visionless, mediocre but also, corrupt beyond human understanding.

Ghanaians, please help bring smiles onto the face of Mother Ghana and the majority of Ghanaians by voting out the NDC, and voting in the NPP. Do not be deceived by that NDC rented man, Ben Ephson. His ongoing opinion poll is just as rubbish as his intention to fool Ghanaians to vote for his paymaster, the NDC party, is demeaning. Do not allow the psychology being engineered by Ben Ephson to work on your mind to give your vote to the NDC and John Mahama.

Let your current circumstances guide you to cast your vote. Your current precarious economic circumstance should be a determinant when voting on December 7, 2012. Do not let the GHC50 and Christmas cards the NDC are passing through your doors influence your decision as to who to vote for. Â If you want freedom and anticipate better future for yourself and offspring then vote for the NPP. If you want to remain poor and perpetually miserable, then choose the corrupt NDC. How long or far will the bribery-inclined GHC50 take you? Let your conscience be your judge.

There should be no more complacency on the part of NPP and their faithful. HIT THE ROAD HARD, TO CANVASS FOR Nana Akuffo-Addo and the NPP. Victory is within our reach.

ACCURSED be the person who arranges to rig the December 7, 2012 election.

DJ SOURCES, over to you Joe Lartey.

Rockson Adofo