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Opinions of Monday, 17 February 2020

Columnist: Kenneth Nii Sackey

Have you seen Job?

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Then the Lord said to Satan, “have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil? - Job 1:28

The book of Job is an interesting book, and there many lessons we can draw from that book alone. But today I want us to take our lesson from the first chapter in Job, and although it is a lesson I have shared before, I believe it is still relevant.

Before we proceed let us look at the first five verses in Job chapter 1. The verses tell us who Job was; a great man with lots of wealth. His wealth made him the greatest of all the people of the East. He was a great father too, so great that he offered sacrifices on behalf of his own children. He was someone who stood in the gap for children and prayed for them.

In verse 6 of Job chapter 1 the Bible says that the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan was also there. God asked him where he came from, and he didn’t mince words in telling him that he was walking the expanse of the earth.

Now God goes further to ask Him if he has seen His servant Job?

This part caught my fancy. God literally asks Satan if he has seen Job, and goes on to actually brag about him to Satan. The devil then tells Him that it’s because he (God) has made a hedge around him, so much that he cannot be touched, and that was why Job was so loyal. Now here is the part that shook me. God actually took away the hedge and told Satan to go ahead and torment him. Only that he shouldn’t take his life.

This part got me thinking.

God must have had some crazy faith in Job to know that once He took His blessings away from him, he would still remain faithful. Job must have been so special that God knew, that even if He fed him to the devil, he will still remain faithful.

Will you?

Can God be so bold about you and tell Satan that see my servant (fix your name here)? Imagine being a representative of a school in a quiz competition.; The icon of the whole school. The whole school placed their faith in you. How does that feel?

Now imagine God placing that faith and belief in you.

Can you honestly take a look at your life and say that God can put me up in this and I won’t fail Him?

I believe that is a goal worth reaching for, to get to a point where God will be so proud of us that He can boldly say that even if I took his/her blessings away, s/he will never lose the faith.

It is a sober reflection we must make, not to only strive to make heaven, but also to make our heavenly Father so proud that He will tell Satan, see this one? You can’t touch this!

Stay Blessed.