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Opinions of Tuesday, 9 August 2022

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

He can’t be my president!

Former President, John Dramani Mahama Former President, John Dramani Mahama

Do majority of Ghanaians exercise their God-endowed brains properly as human beings worthy of respect and recognition? I am always in two minds when asking, or dealing with, this question in respect of black Africans in general and Ghanaians in particular.

I don’t mean to insult the intelligence of any Ghanaian by this publication but if you do get hurt along the line, so be it. Then you had better cogitate about the content as a human being with the grey matter but not sand, in your brain.

For want of quick buck, immense wealth, power, and fame, the Ghanaian is ready to take to any irresponsible and criminal activity that leaves a question mark hovering over their head as to whether they are actually human beings but not any of the wild beasts wandering in the jungle that has strayed home to dwell among humans.

How dare many Ghanaians decide to wait impatiently for the successful comeback of former President John Dramani Mahama to the presidency? Are you people mad? Are you people devoid of the brain in your head but water or bricks?

Have you so soon forgotten how he treated you worse than the dirt on his bloody shoes; telling you barefaced that you are of short memory hence he wouldn’t give a damn what you complained to him, and about him? Did he not tell you to your face that he would never listen to any Ghanaian who had never been, or was, a president of Ghana?

For your abundance of short memory or lack of retentive memory, you are now running to him with open arms like innocent little children without developed retentive memory to welcome him back to the helms of affairs of Ghana.

Let me weep for my country Ghana for teeming with people of short memory that are never ready to welcome selfless, visionary, competent, dynamic, dedicated, and incorruptible persons as leaders to rule them but “sikadicious”, hopeless and womanizing “Papanos”.

If they had long memories, they will remember the nationwide continuous power outage, the gravity, and the destructiveness of which eventually culminated in the official coinage of “dumsor” for it in the dictionary. Ghanaians had to battle with “dumsor” for four solid years; culminating in the destruction of many companies, especially, small-scale businesses, to bring about the until now unresolved large-scale unemployment of the citizens.

Treating all the above as nothing worth remembering, assuming without admitting, of course, one thing at least must be of great concern to all discerning Ghanaians, except those extreme NDC fanatics and John Dramani Mahama’s sycophants, paid agents, and assigns like Kevin Ekow Taylor and Appiah Stadium who have vowed to swallow hook, line, and sinker, whatever John Mahama says, stands for or throws at them.

A sitting president that grants his numerous sexual partners, the so-called slay queens, full and unrestricted access to his work, thus, official, and personal mobile phones, is not good enough to hold the post of president. He risks divulging highly confidential state secrets to the public via the mostly impudent and rivalling sexual partners craving for his love, attention, and money by his unprofessional and non-security conscious but reckless womanizing.

The evidence is obvious and already in the public domain as could be seen and heard from the underlying video that emerged following the feuding between Mzbel, the famous music actress of the song “I am sixteen years…” and now married actress of Kumawood, Tracey Boakye.

These two shameless, jealous, and uncouth women were fighting over married man John Dramani Mahama, who as both a sitting and former president, was “shining” them in addition to other many unknown slay queens to earn him the infamous name “PAPA NO”.

John Mahama for his little-mindedness can never be my president even if Ghanaians of short memory did vote to bring him back as the President of Ghana to come and steal more money and “shine” more slay queens as per his already known eyesore track record.

My resolute determination to not recognise John Dramani Mahama as my president were Ghanaians to elect him for the post in the general election 2024 is because of his mountain of bad behaviours and irresponsibleness. This decision of mine is in line with, or similitude to, what God said in Hosea 1:9 - Then God said: “Call his name Lo-Ammi, For you are not My people, And I will not be your God”.

Why did God say that? Check to see why. Was it not for the same bad behaviour as in the exhibition by John Mahama that he deplored?

As bad as NDC and most of their leaders are, I shall be compelled to offer them strategic advice, campaign for them, etc. if Dr. Kwabena Duffour were elected their flagbearer going into election 2024.

My services will equally be divided between Dr. Duffour and Kennedy Ohene Agyapong were both selected by their various parties to compete for the presidency in the election 2024.

Kennedy is the action man with the clout to save Ghana from the suffocating official corruption, non-enforcement of the laws of the land, the wanton destruction of the ecosystem by both native and foreign surface miners (galamseyers), and all the ongoing ills that have made the Ghanaian look a complete fool and a slave in their own country.

Say no to visionless John Dramani Mahama, the tin god of that lazy Kevin Taylor who touts John Mahama as the next leader. He says John Mahama is only next to the late President Dr. Kwame Nkrumah in farsightedness, selflessness, dynamism, and dedication to developing Ghana.

Kevin Taylor is just a crook seeking to line up his pocket without wiping off much sweat, unlike other Ghanaian hustlers abroad hence always crouched down his computer and cameras churning out rubbish to feed to the ravenous Ghanaian public crying and hungry for John Mahama to come back to power.

Yes, the fearless son of Kumawu/Asiampa who proudly claims to be overflowing with wisdom as well as being the voice for the voiceless, has spoken! Take him seriously or reject him, for that he cares!